as mentioned in an earlier post i had the pleasure of teaming up with 7 other Atlanta Style Bloggers for the W ThinksPINK Cure on the Catwalk event on Sept 27th. We were each paired with a breast cancer survivor and given a specific boutique in Buckhead to “shop” for our model’s look. unfortunately my model couldn’t make it and poor Ebony of Fashionista Next Door couldn’t attend so i was paired up with her model and visa versa. they had picked out two looks and i got to choose the final outfit so in a way i was able to “style” a runway look :) here’s the press photos by Sara Hanna Photography and a few i snapped during the event.

fellow Atlanta Style Bloggers who attended-Miss Natalie of Pocket of Phresh and Kel Cadet of R-ki-Tekt
all in the detail!
Kensie dress, hair by Van Michael salon, Target shoes (Dolce Vita knockoffs!)
thanks to the W Buckhead for having us, Atlanta Style Blogger Mattie James for inviting me to participate, both my awesome models and the Pink Heels Foundation for starting an organization for strong woman!
up next: tomorrow my D+DIY column (actually from Sept but pushed till now) is getting posted…lil hint: the craft is a throw back to my hippie days!
1 Comment
October 9, 2012 at 9:49 pmLove all the photos!