here in atlanta there are tons of monthly parties//events and i tend to hit up every.single.one. HEAVY being one of my favorites which is a DUBstep throw down at the Graveyard Tavern in EAV. this last weekend was it’s 3rd go-around and it’s only getting BIGGER &&& BETTER..here is #2 && #3, took photos at #1 but nothing that impressive..
we typically wear some black, just that sort of ‘mood’
mustache mommah//
outfit deets:
lace cover-up: Urban Outfitters, dress: F21, purse&&jewelry: Vintage

team HEAVY.
really enjoyed this outfit, mostly cause of the red booties, they rule! annnd i did my hair in this funky little side braid and curled the rest, prob see it on the reg for sure..
i wore my [tough] jewelry out, including these vintage slingin’ pistol earrings and ((below)) my vintage chain bracelet with silver knuckle ring-via Urban

def work up a sweat at HEAVY but they spray us all down in champagne which is cooling BUT it’s a sticky situation nonetheless!
outfit deets:
chain shirt: Bill Hallman, shorts: BDG, booties&&purse: Vintage
last weekend was really great, went to this event and also hit up a couple other fun spots that i will be sharing soon. tonight is this nutty carnival themed party that i will prob fill up my entire memory card shooting, love this city!
have a grand holiday weekend everyone!
July 3, 2010 at 4:03 pmthis looks like soooo much fun!
Love the blog dear xx
Fashion Cappuccino
July 4, 2010 at 3:23 amWow!! Looks like an amazing party!! You guys look so pretty! xoxoxoxoo
{ I V Y }
July 4, 2010 at 12:06 pmi luuurve party pics! great boots!
Sarah Jane
July 5, 2010 at 8:53 amWow! Where oh where did you get your knuckle ring??? I have been looking for one just like that for so long!
July 5, 2010 at 9:26 pmfound it at urbanoutfitters, i know they had it online for a second, but it was only $14 so i would totally check into it!! way comfy too
jess s//
Elena S.
July 5, 2010 at 9:49 pmlove that lace coverup!
great blog btw ! lovely pics DEF following you!
id love for you to check my blog out
and dont forget to enter in my giveaway (gaga inspired shades)
xo elena
The Jazzy Belle
July 6, 2010 at 2:30 pmwhatup love? Great post! Looks like a funfilled partay! You were gettin’ down! When I come you’ll need to take me out for some dub-dance craziness!!! I’ve got plenty of “goin’ out on the town” clothes that need to see the night life! You look fantastic as usual.. diggin those sick red booties!
July 6, 2010 at 6:50 pmthanks for stopping by my blog dear!
this looks like an awesome night! i must say i am a huge fan of those sheriff-like earrings! badass for sure!! ;)
July 7, 2010 at 5:32 pmThose red booties are the business. Please leave them to me in your will.