We had a gorgeous Sunday and like the sun craving people we are, took full advantage of it!

I’m in the mode of not wanting to spend any more money on cold weather clothing so I’m reworking things I already have. Got inspired by Keiko Lynn layering a sweater over a romper, and gave it a go myself. What do you think?

I liked it! Tho, right after these were taken, the strapped snapped so, next! This isn’t the first time it’s happened either, had a terracotta jumper last year I loved so much and it suffered the same demise. #tallgirlproblems

Also, Hi!!!! First post in a long time due to malware and a sucky hosting company. Special shout out to Nicely Built for getting her up and running again! More to come and hopefully more SPRING TO COME sooner rather than later!
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