For a little while now I have respected the style && personality of Agyness D//tonight when I got the urge to browse through archives of the latest Spring 2009 runways what better model to search ((??))
((all photos found on
Anna Sui
Aggy && Sasha backstage at Anna Sui
//those boots!
Anna Sui
after searching through tons of photos I realized the designer I enjoyed most was Anna Sui, her pieces are fantastic! She looks too adorable in this picture, hats look so great on her.
House of Holland has gone green!
Anna Sui
I suppose Burberry Prorsum decided to go with outdoor chic?
I can dig it//
thought the outfit up close looked more flattering//
Love the black && grays Fendi had going on
Michael Kors//
the other day at work a lady came in wanting purple Chucks wearing glasses JUST LIKE these, Aggy brings it to a whole new level of hotness
//Marc Jacobs
Love the green/black with shimmer && that belt
After a long long day of mostly laziness, aside from moving some more things into my place, I’m hitting the hay for there is work to be done over the next week. Including responding to many Craigslist posts about some really cool lofts, apts, && a couple tiny houses
March 30, 2009 at 5:03 ami love agyness! she is a mix of spunky girly cool
great post!
Q's Daydream
March 30, 2009 at 2:28 pmI adore her! Makes me want to bleach my hair again ;o)
March 30, 2009 at 9:36 pmShe’s is incredibly inspiring, effotlessly so… and I’m loving the collection of images!
March 30, 2009 at 9:38 pmi love her!! great choice!
March 31, 2009 at 4:47 amyeah for sure. ill add you to my bloglist. plz do the same when u get a chance! thanks!
March 31, 2009 at 7:01 amI want to steal A. Deyn’s hair – she’s got the coolest coolest hair. She makes me want to chop all my hair off (again!).
March 31, 2009 at 1:22 pmI adore Agyness. Inspite of the flack she gets from all and sundry. Thanks for sharing the pics :)
March 31, 2009 at 1:48 pmi love her new hair, shes so cute
Alice X
March 31, 2009 at 11:56 pmshe is soo rad:)
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