Lately//part One

My little stray cat Lady friend, Miss kitty, has been acting anything but friendly the past couple weeks.  Being an indoor/outdoor cat she has been spending a lot of time outside, lonely, but never without food, and for a second I was afraid she would never return back to the loving Lady she had become. Lo and Behold! I stayed in town last night and spent this morning cuddling with the little princess and I t.h.i.n.k. she just needed her Mommah around to know she’s still welcome around these parts. I guess the pregnancy scare was just that a scare but seeing as how she’s never been to a vet, who knows??
photo taken from a week or so ago//
hoodie/Volcom, purse/handed down, jeans/Wrangler, boots/vintage, scarf/H&M

Spotted these fabulous 60s platform clogs on Nasty Gal, I really just want them to put on a shelf for admiring on a daily bases.

Elisa Nalin, a stylist living in Paris has the coolest shoe collection and super adorable style herself.  If I’m not careful this is what my place could look like working at a shoe shop and all.
photo snapped by The Selby 
((click for larger view))

Thanks UO for this awesome DIY project I will be doing soon with a retired button down!

Check out these pieces of art for the fingers, taken by the Selby, the owner of these beauties is Sofia Achaval a ((different)) stylist living in Paris. 

yay for white being “allowed” soon! my favorite pair of ((white)) boots I picked up from La Bomba vintage via Coachella last April.

L is for Lovely Lofts! 
the search on for similar spaces in Atlanta!
Melia & Frank dwell in this colorful loft in East Village New York//how cool!?!? && such inspiration!
another Selby snap
//More to come, photos galore!
Hooray for Saturdays that aren’t occupied with trying to find shoes for people with annoying feet!
//straight chillin

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  • Reply
    March 14, 2009 at 5:30 pm

    amazing boots, im glad your cats is happy again!

  • Reply
    March 14, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    Good luck on the hunt! My dad worked for 25 years at the Hoover Company here in our hometown, and last year they shut down the whole factory/plant. There is talk about the town that they are planning to turn the old factory into loft apartments. I’m crossing my fingers! Annnnd begging husband to let us live there if so.

    Oh, and about those plaques, I made them myself. I need to get my archives up in my blog… but I made them last June with some plaques I bought at a craft store, covered them in Hambly paper, and used a white gel pen to “paint” on the words, and also used Hambly rub ons for the mirror and the lamp.

  • Reply
    ana b.
    March 14, 2009 at 7:35 pm

    Your white floppy boots are gorgeous! I bet they look great on you. Good news about your little kitty cat. I hope she is alright.

  • Reply
    March 15, 2009 at 6:08 am

    Awesome boots and do show us how your DIY project turns out! Hugs to your kitty and good luck with the loft hunting :)

  • Reply
    Angela Waldorf
    March 15, 2009 at 1:34 pm

    white boots are just amazing !
    i fucking want this boots !


  • Reply
    March 15, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    Ooh, I am definitely going to go raid my dad’s closet and recreate that UO skirt. Good idea!


  • Reply
    Savannah Marie
    March 15, 2009 at 10:31 pm

    I’m beginning to think you and I share a brain. I JUST found those orange platforms on nasty gal 5 seconds ago and thought “I need to show these to Jess”

    I love the flannel shirt skirt!!!

  • Reply
    the divining rod
    March 16, 2009 at 12:52 am

    that skirt is such a good idea!
    crafty ladies?

  • Reply
    March 16, 2009 at 6:29 pm

    Awww, I love that picture! And whoa… those Nasty Girl shoes are wicked awesome!


  • Reply
    Eyeliah @
    March 16, 2009 at 11:24 pm

    Love your white boots~ and yes, I would also love to stare at these clogs, so pretty.

  • Reply
    March 19, 2009 at 3:08 am

    such a darling photo, you and the cat. plus, i want to steal those white boots of yours. very cool!

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