I wish to own Jenny Lewis’ new album (released yesterday!!!) Acid Tongue, and I will own it s.o.o.n.
I wish I could wear this wig foreeeevvvveeerrr. If only it didn’t itch uncontrollably.
This is what I wore and looked like Friday night at the Bonky Bonks Look-a-Like party.
Wig & blouse: Thrifted.
I wish my garden would hurry up and get planted so I can have fresh veges
Photo taken by: Me.

I wish I could be a freshman in college again and just go through it all over!
Photo taken by: Me.
(Washington University in St. Louis freshman named Lauren majoring in Fashion Design)

I wish I could live in that BrownStone behind this lovely lady in London. Although my town house now truly does ROCK.
Photo: FaceHunter

Photo: Elinkan
September 25, 2008 at 3:14 amshe and him are guests on the Jenny Lewis album. she and him is actually Zoey Deschanel and M. Ward (remember the song that goes “here comes the sun again”)…thought you might find it interesting. be patient.
September 28, 2008 at 6:21 pmthanks for posting my outfit, i was so flattered when you asked to take my picture. btw I Love love your blog!…i totally agree with most of your “i wishes”
October 1, 2008 at 1:36 amHmm, thrifted wig – I’d never considered it ’till now. Don’t you worry that it would be a bit unhygienic?
Hippy Chic
October 1, 2008 at 2:28 pmI considered the possibility, but seeing as how I had already put it on in the Thrift Shop I guess there was little concern.
I actually walked by a wig store today and thought it’d be fun to get another one, just to change things up for a night or two.