Yesterday I turned 22.
Birthday Dress: Free People
Tube Bra: American Apparel
It consisted of a very busy school day and dinner with my girlfriends and parents. Then we were onto the real fun stuff: champagne, birthday cake & cupcakes, more booze at a tri-party for myself and two others at my favorite bar in town, Egans.
Goodie times=horrible recovery.
everybody's buying vintage
April 1, 2008 at 12:01 amThat is the COOLEST picture of you! I LOVE it, or as my ebv alter ego would save, I love, love, love it!
GREAT OUTFIT, pretty makeup, STUNNING my dear, just STUNNING!
April 8, 2008 at 5:42 pmHappy late birthday!
Love this outfit!
Hippy Chic
April 9, 2008 at 11:56 pmThanks, we have something in common-22.