clothing swap, baby not included.

sorta doing this a lil backwards as ive already shown a swap score (see previous post) and never really showed pics from said event. didn’t really think i had enough footage but as it turns out i couldn’t hold back sharing the few snaps i did take at the BEST CLOTHING SWAP EVERRR!

the hostesses jil & jenny are huge vintage enthusiasts and let go of some really great pieces – some of which jenny so graciously offered into the mix from her Etsy vintage shop Two Tart –

– Kelly, a swap attendee trying on a gorgeous vintage dress she took home after everyone encouraged her to try it on assuming she was the only one who could zip it up // we were right, the gown fit! –
– hostess Jil and her mimosa drinking gnome – 
– everyone was involved with each swap // so pleasant to meet such sweet girls – 
– baby Ruby with her handmade mini blanket and Jil’s kitty were tired out by all the clothes swapping they passed right out! –
– Kelly and her new score in full length (i spy a BABY!) // Jil’s vintage broach and necklace collection on display in her bedroom turned into art! –
-j squad-
jess // jil // jenny
can’t wait to hang with these ladies again – i see vintage, tea/wine/both in the near future!

after the weekend expect to see a Style Spotlight from a fashionable Atlanta lady and gal pal who’s dying her hair pastel PINK!
be excited, yall!

happy pre-weekend,

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