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Last time you saw Flynn here on the blog it was National Cat Day, he was much smaller and fuzzier so I figured I’d show off how mature he’s become! He’s also become a little less of a terror, I repeat…little less.  He’s gotten used to our schedule a bit more though he still meows at the bedroom door most mornings but it’s become a backup alarm so it’s fine. I know you’re thinking, you don’t let your cats sleep with you? And no, I don’t. I tried many years ago with Tater and he just kept me up with moving or licking since I’m a very light sleeper (every night I use a noise machine and/or earplugs!) so I decided it would be better to sleep separately.  I put out all their toys and give them treats before bed so they don’t really mind just want to snuggle before I get up to get myself showered and ready for work days. Flynn has also become quite the model, much like Tater, check him out!

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Speaking of Tater, Flynn loves his older brother and mimics everything he does including begging for wet food whenever I approach the cupboard that holds the magically moist ‘kitty crack’ food. Do your cats revert to feral crazies when you bring out the wet food? It’s hilarious how nuts they become; I know they enjoy it much more than dry food so I treat them to it a couple times a week.

12668179523_9d706dfac3_b 12668522164_4911368052_b 12668049825_d0c8de97b3_b 12668147953_32192ae9ec_bAlong with calming down a bit Flynn has also wanted more affection.  At first he wasn’t that into being pet or held for long periods of time but he wanted attention, which threw me off. Tater is very affectionate and wants to be in your lap or on you at all times, so to get a new addition that only sort of wants attention sometimes it was much different. I love the little dude and am especially into him hanging out while I take a bath on the edge of the tub. We even got him rubber ducks! We’ve all made adjustments and he’s become a sweet member of our little family!

Happy Friday from Flynn, Tater, Dustin and Flashy!



[Please welcome my first contributor, Ciara Sames, to LF!]

Hi Lady Flashback friends! I’m so excited to be sharing interior spaces and inspiration here on Jess’s blog. I’m a graphic designer during the day, but I’ve been interested in decorating ever since I was a kid. I plan on sharing some decorating tips, home trends, and just general home eye candy. Today I’m going to be sharing a little insight on decorating with mirrors.


It’s easy to overlook mirrors as a decorating element for anything other than your bathroom or your bedroom, but the truth is, mirrors can work in any room. They help open the space up and reflect more light into a sometimes dark room.



When looking for a mirror for your room, think about the statement you want to make with it. Do you want to add it to a collection of framed art, or do you want to make an impact with a grand mirror? Think about whether you’re for something new and modern or vintage. Adding a vintage mirror to your modern space can bring in a fresh, eclectic feel.


one // two // three // four

Each photo above linked back to original source. Be sure to check out my blog, Glass and Sable, and Pinterest for more inspiration! Thanks, Jess!

[Have a good weekend Flashy Friends!]


Recently had my third roommate switch-a-roo and thus gone through yet another phase of home decor in the loft which to me is both fun and refreshing.  Each time I’ve deep cleaned and moved furniture since the roommate moving out has taken chucks of the living room with them, though most of the overall housewares are mine.  One thing I love about my place is the amount of plants.  A neighbor that was leaving gifted me tons of tropical plants and I’ve collected a bunch myself so my home feels as if it’s an indoor garden!  This is not always the case as plants come and go, I sorta got my dad’s green thumb but sometimes plants just die for no good reason. Two of my plants were grown from clippings of a 24 year old plant my parents have had since my youngest brother was born!  I enjoy getting inspired from Pinterest and not just fashion-wise but also for the home and thought I’d share some of my favorite rooms with plants:

briemery 16house tumblr birchandbird localmilk DLF fp freepeopleapartmenttherapyThis one doesn’t have quite as many plants but it actually has many components that are currently in my loft such as a chalkboard wall (that’s in our kitchen), an antique dining room table that my mom has let me borrow and many skulls around the house, mostly deer.


1//Design Love Fest, 2//16House, 3//Tumblr (sorry dead end), 4//Birch and Bird, 5//Local Milk, 6//Design Love Fest, 7&8//Free People, 9//Apartment Therapy and lastly 10//Leena Reena

Plants are great for many reasons not only do they add life to your home but they add color and most importantly they also improve the air you breath!  A while ago I did a DIY post for Common Creativ with plants, see post here.  Expect to see more posts like this coming soon from a new contributor, Ciara of Glass and Stable! Get inspired by visiting my Walls & Rooms Pinterest board!



Recently came across some old black and white photos of my part of town via The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) I’d like to share.  As much as I love vintage clothes, accessories and housewares I also enjoy a vintage photo that captures the times when life was a little more…simple. These photos are streets I drive on every single day, where I live and buildings I’ve seen transformed.


Intersection of Piedmont and Ponce de Leon looking north, probably in the 1930s

*Currently there is a gas station on either side of the street and all those cool looking cars are probably in museums. 



Workers move in to fill a huge chasm under Ponce de Leon Avenue in 1955. The cavity at Penn Avenue extended 42 1/2 feet below the street and was 25 feet in diameter.

*We Atlanta drivers recognize this type of construction! Only now it’s covered with a HUGE metal plate (aka bandage) and scares the living crap out of us when we drive over it!


The Sears, Roebuck and Company building in 1979. It would eventually become City Hall East and is now in the process of being transformed in Ponce City Market.

*My home is just behind this massive building that I’ve seen first hand go from an abandoned building to one of the biggest makeovers in ATL, very excited for the completion of Ponce City Market! 


Plaza Drugs has been an Atlanta landmark since 1951. This photo was taken in 1981 by AJC staffer Ray West, who also happens to be Kanye West’s father. Urban Outfitters now occupies this space.  Photo: Ray West.

*This location is pretty rad! They kept it relatively the same on the exterior when transforming it into UO, where I actually worked at a few years back since I was able to walk to it from my apartment that was just around the corner. Really like this strip, which is also home to my fav salon Shear Love and a great boutique called Wild Flag. 


Old Briarcliff Hotel at the corner of Ponce de Leon Avenue and North Highland Avenue. Photo taken July 14, 1980.

*This went from a hotel to a housing unit for crazy folks and drug addicts, or at least that’s what we speculated lived there because they’d visit us at UO. Now it’s being renovated and turned into apartments which I think is a fabulous idea as it’s a great spot location wise!


The refurbishing of Briarcliff Plaza, at North Highland and Ponce de Leon avenues, was a key event in the rebirth of the neighborhood. This photo is from 1987.



Development of the old Ford Motor Company Assembly Plant (and, behind it, the Kroger) on Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia, March 22, 1985.

*So this is where I live! Yep, an old Ford Factory! Despite living next to intense construction over at Ponce City Market my time living here has been great, especially with the location being convenient to restaurants, bars and my personal favorite Kroger!

How neat is this? Love a good Flashback!! Thanks AJC for sharing!  There’s many more photos but these are so familiar to me that they instantly became my favorites.



Atlanta, the Beautiful


Life in the A 
(June-July 4thish)
-elephant ears // my Charmaine Olivia catty tat-
-cat tank from my mom and other 4th gear! // summer in the south must-have-
-playing in the studio // playing in my room-
-patriotic (already chipped) nails // miss Jenae Roseen’s metallics
-a thursday outfit-
-studio life // home life-
-fringed denim at the Dixie 400 flea market // patch from my first visit to Tannihill Rock Show-
-lady pool times // lady Braves game tailgating times-
-DIY JORT ENVY // Indie rocking the USA-
-clean house // clean cut-
-new Low Luv by Erin Wasson pieces i just received // table flare-
-casual work attired // DIY project at the farm-
-sticks and stones // Free People gypsy top im obsessed with-
-flaunting my Alexa Chung for Madewell gingham dress-
-snazzy neon lace // Mr T and his troll pal-

next week i’ll be doing another DIY post for Common Creativ so check back i’ll be reposting it here as well!

have a great post-mid-week-holiday-weekend,
don’t forget the SPF yall!