Girl Friends
here is the post and photos I have been dying to share, more of my outfit to come but this is the post directly from
New Years Eve via Lady Flashback!
Hey there blog babies! I’m super excited to welcome a new girl to our team- Lady Flashback! Check out her own sweet blog here and stay tuned for her fashion musings, party pix and general Flashback magic. Her first round of party photos are up in the photo gallery, so check them out! Plus our newest Darlin will be shooting Hot and Sticky this Thursday at Eastside Lounge, so please give her unicorn kisses and make her feel super welcome! – Sarah
As a huge fan of Sorry,Darlin I was thrilled when Sarah approached me about collaborating efforts with her blog and mine, I have been blogging about fashion, photography, home decor, parties, DIY, and all things vintage for over 3 years now. Relocating to Atlanta has opened up many doors for me in the internet world as well as nightlife. Just last month my blog was awarded the superlative for “Hip Style Blog” in Atlanta Magazine, see the article here. Being a long time fan of photography it dawned on me that shooting parties professionally was my calling since I was already taking 100+ photos any given weekend. This opportunity to shoot with Sorry,Darlin blows my mind, extremely excited for adventures to come!
Our first experience together just so happened to be NYE, what a purrrfect night to shoot for the VERY FIRST TIME-huh?!?!
The Darlin ladies and I agree-it went marvelous, take a look for yourself over at the photo gallery.
Here are my top 11 favorites of the night we rang in 2011 at MJQ