while Sunday’s Moveable Feast was a successful event and a good time with friends and family it was also a learning experience. Ryan and I both have some things to learn about planning and hosting events and what better way to be learn then first hand, right?! Ryan’s food was delicious, the music by Nadia Marie was soul touching and the decor we both worked on went up fairly smoothly! much like NYE I was running around crazy and only had time to pause to take a few quick snaps and due to candle lighting, sadly, a lot of them didn’t turn out great.
my favorite spot in the ballroom that night is captured in the above photo. it is an antique piano Chelsea and I wheeled onto the dance floor area. I jazzed it up with candles and wine bottle decor and hung the DIY’d fringe from NYE above.
we are sporting vintage tops and I’m wearing my new LOFT slacks, vintage hat and bolo I picked up at the Rock & Mineral Show in Alabama
after the event was over and the decor came down I had to work and while I was on the grind my sweety sweet sweet boyfriend was working on a surprise for me at the house….
I came home to find my room was slightly transformed into boho amazingness-
he took the wreaths we made + the NYE fringe and hung them while balancing on a chair in the center of my bed, basically risking his life :P
I am truly a lucky gal!