Day1 didn’t start till 4:00 with North Mississippi All Stars which I didn’t see because I was running around taking pics but the jam band could be heard all over the park. First show I actually attended was 2Chains, who is a local to ATL and was quite good.

since the festival attracts SO MANY PEOPLE attendees get creative with flags, poles and anything/everything under the moon to get the attention of their friends:

I’m wearing a UO muscle tee, F21 skirt, FP necklace and AA sunnies (no shoes because I was a dumdum and didn’t wear socks with my Superga’s and then became BLISTER CITY!)

Festival goers rocking some cool hats!

Cool couple from Zink magazine and killer green ombre.
Pre-Fall plaid
Vintage Moschino
The Minute Maid guy was cracking me up, busting some moves and singing all the songs along with 2Chains, you go dude!
Gal on the left ended up becoming a buddy, we walked to the fest together on the Beltline and then ran into one another 3 total times during the fest! hey girl hey!
Fest dudes ^
Day1 FB Recap: Music Midtown Day One Recap- ended up at 2 Chains, knew more songs than I thought and had a goodie time, Phoenix was fun and played oldies I loved back from the beginning of college, Cake on the other hand was disappointing as crap so we left to catch all of Journey who was the bomb. Weather was beautiful and I got some amazing festival fashion shots for LF (seen here!) Things I learned: do not wear Superga sneakers without socks and walk from your home to the park-blister city (told you it was bad!) the lead singer of Journey is a small Asian man who used to sing in a Journey cover band and now sings for the real deal! Lastly, I learned that I’m quite comfortable going on adventures alone (didn’t meet up with people till 6ish *but met my aforementioned lady pal) and can talk to ANYONE (well this isn’t new knowledge..) but I do prefer to hang with the good folks in my life.
Day2 (photoless) Recap: Started off hunting down ponchos and after the 6th stop almost gave up until a nice pedestrian gave us his RIGHT OFF HIS BACK and an extra he was carrying (thanks 1,000,000 stranger man!) walked in the pouring rain to the gate where we stood in the swampy line for nearly an HOUR or more.. bc tickets weren’t scanning due to the downpour, good thing we got in when we did bc we were a part of a less than happy group chanting to “LET US IN” that could have turned ugly if we stood in line through one more Weezer song. After Weezer we floated to ZZ Ward who was fun and kept uplifting the dedicated crowd. Next Tegan and Sarah performed and were their usual friendly selves and even sang the jam they did in collaboration with Tiesto (!!!!) Next was who I was looking forward to the most and had waited for since ’04 the YEAH YEAH YEAHS! Karen O is so freaking cool (which I told everyone in our group, repeatedly) she was wearing a glitter suit, Michael Jackson shrine glitter tee and had wild prison clown tears! She rocked the hell out! Lastly was RHCP which we stood in our very same spots for over an hour to keep-worth it! Things I learned: rain boots will only keep your feet dry for so long, Flea looks damn good, ponchos can double as “pee tents” and I can survive any rain with my good overpriced pal Dos Equis.
Hope you enjoyed my festival fashion photos, see photos from Day2 on my Instagram! My boyfriend made a comment regarding a photo I showed him that I took as a HUGE compliment he said “oh wow babe, that looks like a pic you’ve posted from other Festival Fashion posts from other photographers” Since my recaps of other festivals come from sites like Elle, Harper’s, Vogue, R29, ETC this is a compliment!