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This past weekend was the 2-day music fest here in the heart of Atlanta at Piedmont Park. It was my second year in a row attending with friends and my little brother. The first day was absolutely gorgeous but I cannot say the same for Day2 which was a soggy, wet, messy DOWNPOUR-much like my adventure at Shaky Knees-see post here. I am thankful Friday was so nice because I brought along the glam cam to capture festival fashion as well as goofy things I saw along the way-mm_2013
Day1 didn’t start till 4:00 with North Mississippi All Stars which I didn’t see because I was running around taking pics but the jam band could be heard all over the park. First show I actually attended was 2Chains, who is a local to ATL and was quite good.
since the festival attracts SO MANY PEOPLE attendees get creative with flags, poles and anything/everything under the moon to get the attention of their friends:
whether it’s the face of a dog, witch or flamingo-people were persistent on being able to find one another since cell phone service is almost non-existent, I got a real kick out of the creativity! 
my festival buddy, Blair, knows how to keep the party going with some contraband strawberry vodka that she likes to share-thanks for the headache lil lady! :P 
this was my other festival buddy ^
I wasn’t the only one rocking a moon shirt ^
Hadn’t seen shoulder tattoos like this, pretty rad placement.
I’m wearing a UO muscle tee, F21 skirt, FP necklace and AA sunnies (no shoes because I was a dumdum and didn’t wear socks with my Superga’s and then became BLISTER CITY!)


Festival goers rocking some cool hats!

Cool couple from Zink magazine and killer green ombre.






Pre-Fall plaid


Vintage Moschino



The Minute Maid guy was cracking me up, busting some moves and singing all the songs along with 2Chains, you go dude!



Gal on the left ended up becoming a buddy, we walked to the fest together on the Beltline and then ran into one another 3 total times during the fest! hey girl hey!





Fest dudes ^


Since I had already written quite a bit about the fest on my FB page, thought I’d just share from there: 
Day1 FB Recap: Music Midtown Day One Recap- ended up at 2 Chains, knew more songs than I thought and had a goodie time, Phoenix was fun and played oldies I loved back from the beginning of college, Cake on the other hand was disappointing as crap so we left to catch all of Journey who was the bomb. Weather was beautiful and I got some amazing festival fashion shots for LF (seen here!) Things I learned: do not wear Superga sneakers without socks and walk from your home to the park-blister city (told you it was bad!) the lead singer of Journey is a small Asian man who used to sing in a Journey cover band and now sings for the real deal! Lastly, I learned that I’m quite comfortable going on adventures alone (didn’t meet up with people till 6ish *but met my aforementioned lady pal) and can talk to ANYONE (well this isn’t new knowledge..) but I do prefer to hang with the good folks in my life.

Day2 (photoless) Recap: Started off hunting down ponchos and after the 6th stop almost gave up until a nice pedestrian gave us his RIGHT OFF HIS BACK and an extra he was carrying (thanks 1,000,000 stranger man!) walked in the pouring rain to the gate where we stood in the swampy line for nearly an HOUR or more.. bc tickets weren’t scanning due to the downpour, good thing we got in when we did bc we were a part of a less than happy group chanting to “LET US IN” that could have turned ugly if we stood in line through one more Weezer song. After Weezer we floated to ZZ Ward who was fun and kept uplifting the dedicated crowd. Next Tegan and Sarah performed and were their usual friendly selves and even sang the jam they did in collaboration with Tiesto (!!!!) Next was who I was looking forward to the most and had waited for since ’04 the YEAH YEAH YEAHS! Karen O is so freaking cool (which I told everyone in our group, repeatedly) she was wearing a glitter suit, Michael Jackson shrine glitter tee and had wild prison clown tears! She rocked the hell out! Lastly was RHCP which we stood in our very same spots for over an hour to keep-worth it! Things I learned: rain boots will only keep your feet dry for so long, Flea looks damn good, ponchos can double as “pee tents” and I can survive any rain with my good overpriced pal Dos Equis. 

Hope you enjoyed my festival fashion photos, see photos from Day2 on my Instagram! My boyfriend made a comment regarding a photo I showed him that I took as a HUGE compliment he said “oh wow babe, that looks like a pic you’ve posted from other Festival Fashion posts from other photographers” Since my recaps of other festivals come from sites like Elle, Harper’s, Vogue, R29, ETC this is a compliment! 

Kailua Beach

here’s the last of my Hawaii recap from my FAVORITE DAY of the whole trip!
we spent a whole day being adventurous on Kailua Beach kayaking to the Mokulua Islands, commonly known as “Moks” or “Twin Islands.” we paddled out to the big one, about 2.5 miles from land and had some lunch, snapped photos, did some light hiking and jumped in the tidal pool called the “queens bath.” can’t express how amazing this day was, but I can share some of my fav photos. 
HawaiianForever 21 bathing suit #2, was really drawn to the mismatching look and seriously couldn’t beat the price! also wearing some inexpensive shades I bought for the trip from Clothing Warehouse in Little Five Points. love me some deals!
the colors, textures and plant life on the island were breathtaking!!
absolutely adore this photo of Steph with salty hair and her tribal print rash-guard which I was totally jealous of and wanted to swipe when she wasn’t looking!
don’t worry, I’m wearing SPF 70. seriously.

so, after our kayak and snorkeling adventure we grabbed some island snow aka shaved ice and then set out on a hike of the Kaiwa Ridge Trail to check out the old WWII era “pillbox” bunkers. these were used for observation of the coastline front during a possible Japanese invasion (knowledge we gained from some fellow hikers since it’s not super touristy and had ZERO signage.)

this was number one of two that we hiked to, as you can see it’s pretty fierce terrain!
these aren’t our dogs but they were hilarious! walked right past us, didn’t want or need to be petted just wanted to check out the amazing view. who could blame them?!
view from the pillbox!
close up of the bunker and though it’s eroding and has been painted over throughout the decades, you can still see it’s original structure. we thought these were too cool and climbed all over them, even sat on the roof with some other folks and looked out over the coastline. one thing we didn’t do was climb in, sorta freaked us out.
though I don’t usually heavily edit my photos, I really didn’t touch up these photos at all, just some minor lightening to bring out colors but really wanted to let the natural beauty do all the talking.
recapping my trip has been really nice, it’s like visiting all over again minus the sunscreen and convertible. would love to go back and have more days like the above, truly a highlight! 
thanks for taking the time to look at my trip.
next up: Coachella Street Style from weekend one + two!


like i mentioned in my last post, my boyfriend and i traveled to Asheville, NC for a little weekend escape. while i love my city, it’s nice to get away and get a breath of fresh air in new surroundings. Ryan and i had both only spent a very brief time in Asheville prior to now so we wanted to make sure we soaked up as much as we could in our 2 short days.  Friday we arrived relatively late so we checked into the Renaissance Marriott, hit up the Asheville Barcade 2 (barcade=bar+arcade), had a dance off and a few beers and called it a night. Saturday’s ‘schedule’ was packed with brunch, breweries and exploring downtown as well as West Asheville. i had the new lens in tow and captured a large majority of the trip minus Saturday evening, unsure why the glam cam didn’t make it out, but per usual i’m going to let the photos do (most) of the talking!
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The 13 String Band!
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too busy guzzling down the first beer flight at the Thirsty Monk i didn’t snap any pics but here is our tasting card, complete with silly notes!
was real excited to bring my new Sanctuary jacket on our ‘mountain’ trip!
second beer flight of the day-WEDGE brewery-in the River Arts District!

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sweater by Staccato via SQ/FT in Decatur, undershirt by Toska, H&M jeggins, vintage boots, Clothing Warehouse sunglasses
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Ryan wears: H&M jacket and knit, slacks from ASOS
-Wedge brewery notes-
this beer flight is not for the faint of heart as all the beers weigh in at an above average ABV % (alcohol by volume), average being near 5%. my favorite tipple was easily the Vadim. it is heavily reminiscent of an Earl Grey Tea Infused Italian Chocolate Mousse w/ Raspberry Port sauce i recently made for a friend’s birthday. just…YUM.
-Ryan, Native Crave

we weren’t really in a rush to head back home after our checkout Sunday morning, so we headed down the road to the Biltmore Estate. while it’s not a super cheap day trip, at $60 per ticket, you get to tour the entire Vanderbilt mansion and the Antler Hill winery + a ‘complimentary’ wine tasting at the end of the tour.
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outfit: H&M jacket, Arden B. jeans, Kate Spade bag, MIA boots
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Ryan wears: Banana Republic knit, vintage pocket silk, J.Crew button down, ASOS jacket & slacks, ROGUE boots
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we were sad to leave but our time spent in Asheville is one we’ll cherish!

have a good pre-Christmas week!


for the 3rd year in a row i attended East Atlanta Village’s 
which celebrated it’s 14th year as a FREE one day extravaganza featuring:
The Imperial OPA Circus, 5 stages of live local music, a comedy stage, 5k walk/run, Artist Market (which is packed with goodies!) Parade, a free kids village, BULL RIDE! community booths, food and lots of ADULT BEVERAGES!
i wore this:
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dress: Anthropologie, boots: Baker, purse: Vintage (bought at my first STRUT in 2009) belt: old school UO, short necklace: custom made from a piece of Amazonite, dreamcatcher: F21, sunnies: Mom’s vintage Ray Bans

met up with my gf Elizabeth, she wore this awesome getup:
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from head-to-toes: thrifted, no really!

PBR was repping at the festival, gave us some cool pins and had a fun photo prop. OF COURSE we partook in a photo op!

spotted this lady from our table outside of the EARL and had to check out these nails up close-wacky huh?!?!
ran into stylish Ali on her way to work, her outfits always features an amazing vintage garment and handmade jewelry she makes from recycled vintage pieces and leather under the name Birdalupe. she even has a booth at my favorite Antique store-Highland Row Antiques (such a hot spot-score things like Elizabeth’s sweet vintage hat!)
the EAV STRUT is always a good time if you like art, music, beer, parades and quality time with friends. i will continue to say YES PLEASE to all of the above :)

have a good week
and bear with me as i deal with a nonexistent internet connection=hitting up coffee shops and my bf’s wifi!


since the snow storm we atlantans have been waiting patiently for some sunny days and low and behold-we received! naturally Kristie and i took advantage of the enjoyable temperatures and went around town hitting up some of the best antique shops such as Paris on Ponce, Scarlet Loves Retro and the Fainting Couch. my objective was to find the perfect desk for a small space in my bedroom and while i didn’t go home with the price-winner, i know there is the right one at the right price out there…somewhere…
needless to say we had a good time, here are some snaps of the adventure//
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((L)) Kristie’s vintage oxfords && ((R)) my LuckyBrand boots
other outfit deetz:
Me: dress: UO, jacket//purse//sunnies//necklace: Vintage
KJO: dress: H&M, jacket: BillyReid, purse: Vintage Fendi, necklace: various

i am so so so so so so so so so so SO excited to finally be able to wear my Lucky boots that were a Christmas gift from mom! you see the day after NYE i broke a small toe on my right foot and since then it’s been comfort shoes only, which is not all that fun when you love to dress up. now the little guy is healed and i can sport these amazing green boots i’ve been dying to take for a spin-what do you think???
another [green] item i am ecstatic about is this jacket Kristie found at a yard sale and actually got on the free. when she came home and showed me i was ALL about it, begging her to trade it with something-anything of mine..she agreed and said we’d figure it out later-such a lovely friend i have ! :)) !
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sitting in front of our dream vanity at the Fainting Couch looking distraught over her imaginary hubby who was sent off to war-“Oh Frederick….”
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one of the hippest Creative Loafing distribution boxes in all of Atlanta, wishing i had this print as wallpaper!
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i spy a lady friend!
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whenever i get that huge porch i’ve always wanted, i will have some form of these metal rocking benches to sit and read on.
vintage sign at Scarlet Loves Retro
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so there you have it, just a tidbit of our afternoon perusing around town checking out vintage.
as yesterday AND today have been nice as well all of atlanta is out and about. for the most part i spent yesterday at an office desk but today i did manage to get out to L5P via bike and get these legs a’movin!
tonight is a clothing swap + vino//potluck party with my ladies-will be sharing my trades later this week!