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Happy 2014 TO ALL! Haven’t been able to do a “real” blog post since Christmas day and I’ve missed it so much! SOOO, what do you think of the new look? Made the switch and so far really liking WordPress and don’t plan to change it up EVER AGAIN as it’s a huge pain to get everything moved over correctly, etc. etc.

Bet you’re wondering what’s happened since Christmas, ya? Well, things have actually been pretty quiet, no, really! My friends and I threw a fancy potluck NYE bash in East Atlanta but really other than that it’s been low key life around these parts. Mostly due to a transition in my home with my last roommate moving out to head north to Colorado and getting the place ready for a new roomie to move in this week. Had to replace furniture that was sold/taken and just now getting my home back to feeling normal.  Redoing your home in the midst of the holidays isn’t ideal but revamping feels good especially since the place needed a good scrub down!

I’ll be putting together a “Best of 2013” post so check back in the coming days!

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