2009 mar 27///
Kjo && Steph threw a party on the stormy Friday following my birthday celebration with the theme of Jazzercise 2009 with potluck “childhood favorite”
above was made by Gavin, who doesn’t love ants on a log?
there was also fire ants on a log, maybe those are just native to Alabama..
Dusty’s Jazzercise 2009 outfit included a vintage inspired Nike shirt found at TJ Maxx (($5.00!)), vintage Alabama jogging suit, fannypack also vintage and borrowed from me
Caty Ann loves Tang, stick on earrings, spandex and Jazzzercise!
//Alabama Slammer Time
those are some moves//
100% Vintage
joggin buddies
breaking a sweat//bursting through bubbles
I wore my thrifted wig until I literally sweated it off//
All vintage except leg warmers bought from Urban Outfitters many many years ago.
can’t tell but I was pumping him up, too fast for digital
Team Cobra
I was so thrilled to “build” I was always the tall girl stuck on the ground
the boyz insynch
//This party was so much fun, we were able to eat really unhealthy food//i.e. pizza, tater tots, mac’n’cheese, Cool Aid (plus adult juice), Sweet’tator’Casserol, AOAL (ants on a log), and some other shiz//and then work it off!!
Today and Yesterday//
were spent checking out duplexes && apartments in Atlanta, hanging with friends, and living on the road. Earlier we stopped at a really neat Urban Outfitters on Ponce De Leon that’s in an old drugstore building and I replaced my thrifted wallet, it’s always a refreshing feeling//
April 7, 2009 at 2:08 amANTS ON A LOG!
April 7, 2009 at 2:38 pmahaha i used to do that too!!
April 7, 2009 at 9:00 pmaww an 80s party!! how fun!
Eyeliah @ stylesymmetry.com
April 7, 2009 at 11:30 pmWhat an awesome party this must have been! Great for photo ops.
Chelsea Ann
April 12, 2009 at 3:05 amThat looks like it was so much fun. Awesome.
April 13, 2009 at 7:17 pmhaha this looks so fun! everyone looks awesome. x
April 14, 2009 at 9:54 pmthis looks awesome!
April 15, 2009 at 2:35 amHoly shit, ants on a log?!
That thought hasn’t crossed my mind in years! But now I won’t be able to think of anything else until I have them! Haha.
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