T Minus 5 hours till the new year!!!!!
(where I am….)
Just got home from work + running errands and about to start getting ready for The Black Lips show/NYE Bash over in East Atlanta Village. I have been wanting to post ALL week but literally just now have time, so sad, but I’m stoked to be sharing all this fabulous gear from Barneys CoOp holiday lookbook (picked up at Phipps plaza where I just discovered the branch-and am SO FREAKIN HAPPY-though I cannot afford much, a girl can always look!) Anyways I’ve got to keep this short due to the time crunch we’re on, seeing as how we are going to pre-party at a friends house….but yea…check this shiz out…
are these not the most gorgeous earrings you’ve ever laid your eyes on?!?! the craftsmanship is impeccable!
this bag weighs a TON, I know this because I held it in the store (wishing, hoping, praying….that one day….yea, probably never…) so awesome though!
in high school I stretched my earlobes and the first set of earrings I had were these tapers that looked just like the tusk-like numbers on the left….these are much much more classy…also dig the wooded righties
this is a bag one could use everyday, with every outfit. love love love!
these talon earrings are especially awesome, they are a little native with girly touches which I can always appreciate. look closely at the price && get a good laugh :)
well those are my favs from the publication, hope you likey too!
I’m out to start curling my hair (which is probably pointless since the weather is super shitty) but hey-doesn’t every girl want to get glammed up & sparkly to ring in the New Year??
January 1, 2010 at 7:24 amhappy new year.
all the best tonight!
love the givenchy too.
January 1, 2010 at 11:30 amI love the earrings!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, I hope 2010 is wonderful to you xxx
January 2, 2010 at 2:02 pmOoo hope you had a great time at the Black Lips shindig! LOOOOOVE all your choices from the lookbook. You are so good to share. When I look through these kinds of publications I get grumpy because I can’t afford anything.
Hope you had a wonderful New Year’s!!!!
January 3, 2010 at 7:09 pmhappy new year!
Emily Kennedy
January 4, 2010 at 3:47 amTruly, the Carl Jung quote is the coolest thing! Although the other goodies are delish.
January 4, 2010 at 5:21 pmhappy new year!!!
January 5, 2010 at 3:56 pmthat Wang bag is at the very top of my list! xo
January 5, 2010 at 7:18 pmall of this are gorgeous, i want everything hahha
happy new year!
January 5, 2010 at 8:06 pmhappy new year!
that want bag is gorgeous. iwantitnow
AsianCajuns (Lauren)
January 5, 2010 at 10:43 pmp.s. Jess, yes we need to meet up!!! This weekend I have family in town (lingering holiday goodness), but how ’bout the weekend after that? I think that’s MLK weekend- woohoo. Just let us know.
p.p.s. Kid Cudi wasn’t the opener after all! (it was Jason Derulo). He was fired from the tour because he went after some fans who threw something at him- yipe!
January 7, 2010 at 3:27 ami love the earrings in the 2nd photo and the awang diego bag is to die for! ive never seen it in yellow though, so cool!
♥ Cara Mia ♥
January 8, 2010 at 7:15 pmhappy new year to you too!!! those first earrings are fab.
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