Hope you’re not hungry or thirsty, because this post will make you hangry! Not sure the the drink equivalent of hangry, dranky? Sure that works.
You’ve been warned~

Gin drink made up by bartender, Barcelona. So good we had to have two rounds. Little did we know when your bartender is making up the drink, the price is also made up $$$

More day drinking. This round was a strong frozen marg from Vacaciones Cocktail Bar in Madrid~

Gulp! Dustin got the gin and tonic next to me, it was somehow better than your average g&t as well~

Mercado de san Miguel
Personal favorite stop, Mercado de san Miguel. We went here twice for tapas and wine. They offered everything! I mean everything. Every weird sea creature you could or could not have ever wanted to know lived in the ocean was available to eat. We tried some strange stuff but I wasn’t trying to get sick :P

Crab salad with salmon, shrimp and black berry jam on a cheese I can’t recall and some sort of sausage. yea I’m not trying to fool anyone that I’m some kind of well-versed foodie-just a girl that likes to eat!

Mercado de san Miguel again, love me some pistachios in buttery flaky crusty bits!

All the meat at Mercado de san Miguel

One of the stranger things we tried at Mercado de san Miguel
Sea urchin. It was more of a novelty and less of a “I’D TOTALLY EAT THAT AGAIN” but for the experience, I’d vote: worth it.
What I would eat again are both of these. Mini sammy was crab, seaweed and roe with a squid ink bun and the world’s cutest fries. The piaya was technically Dustin’s but what’s his is mine right? It was good, not the best we’ve ever had but good. Could have used more seafood things in it.

THE most epic stuffed olives of our life. DEAD.
As it turns out, everything food here is all from Mercado de san Miguel haha. We did love it a whole lot. Just a really cool experience.
Next post is the last for Spain, then it’s moving on to France!
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