Well well well. Look who didn’t forget they went to France and took a bunch of photos..! I’m terrible you guys. Seriously live for the ease of Instagram these days. But I’ll probably always have this blog of trips and outfits past, who am I kidding.
Recap of our 5 days in France, leh go!
After the super fun time in Spain, France had a lot of living up to the hype to do-well, for me. Dustin had already been twice and was smitten. First thing we had on the agenda was to check into our Airbnb which quickly got the trip off to a very, very interesting start.
~Because I’ve already told this story 103 times, filed a case with Airbnb and our credit card company and pretty much am OVER IT, here’s a link to the run down of what happened (click here)
Post-realization of our listing being a creepy disaster, we grabbed some warm clothes and headed out to our first tour of the trip with Fat Tire.

First adorable car spotting, CHECK!
After our morning croissants wore off we searched for food around the meet up point to fuel us up before the bike ride. It was odd timing or something because not that many places were open so we sat down at the first decent looking place we saw.

There’s a hot dog in there! Most legit dog ever.

Check out this cutie in his safety vest :P
Biking around is the way to go! Here’s some of our sightings~
The tour was so fun! We had a great guide and group. The last leg was a cruise on the Rhine River atop a huge boat, sipping wine from paper cups and spotting the Eiffel (and freezing but it was worth THE VIEW!)
After that we wound up at a restaurant near the apartment that was doing karaoke so we joined in from our seats and got some grub and more wine. Night one: success! (mostly, you’ll understand if you read that link)
Rest of this is out of order but one night we got dressed up and did a coursed dinner at 58 Tour Eiffel. Even got the touristy pic to prove it!

Of all the courses, this salmon tartar marinated in pink peppercorns, “citron de Menton” whipped cream and purple potato chip paired with champagne WON my vote!
After our amazing meal we walked things off by taking the stairs down and looking through all the beams and lights until making it back on solid ground. It was already pretty late and we had heard there was a light show that happened at midnight so we bought a bottle of wine off a street vendor, popped it open and waited for this~
So fun! Worth waiting and getting hit up by a million other street vendors to buy more and more wine…
Again, out of order but we made a point to hit up the catacombs one afternoon. Dustin had been and said I should absolutely visit in my lifetime. We got a skip the line/tour which was a fantastic choice-highly recommend.

Obsessed with spotting these little rides! Madewell jacket, BCBG jumpsuit, Sam Edelman boots
To spice things up a bit we hit up a burlesque show at the Crazy Horse. It was a blast! We had great seats next to a fun couple and Dustin even got serenaded by the opening act musician lady. The amount of work that went into the costumes and choreography was nuts. Def another recommendation if that’s your sort of thing ;)
Spoiler alert~
If you think the catacombs were a result of a massive outbreak like I did, that’s incorrect. It’s actually a solution to the once overflowing (literally, eeek!) cemeteries back in the 1700s. They were having issues with dilapidation, bodies resurfacing, and contamination in the city’s water source so they had to find a place to store all the remains.
Apparently a year or so back, Airbnb did an experience there where you could stay overnight in the catacombs and had some stuff included in the price as well like a dinner or something. They had lots of tickets for sale but only sold two, to a mother and her son who didn’t even make it through the night before leaving! Think you could have done it? Would be one heck of a story.

Closest I got to the Palace of Versailles
Yaaaa, we took a train all the way out to Versailles and had pre-brought tickets and everything but, we did NOT have the skip the line like we thought and it was a madhouse-see what I did there! The line zigzagged for ever and I said, ‘hell no we aren’t wasting our last day in line when I haven’t done any shopping’-so we left. Oh well. Dustin had been so I had him describe it in detail and read me facts on the train ride back. Plus we had just toured that amazing palace in Spain so we weren’t sweating it.
Speaking of quick pop ins, this same day we went to the Louvre and were there for all of 1 hour. My feet were beyond done with all the walking and I had seen plenty of cool art so I was all “lets pop in and see Mona and then sit down, pleaseee” While still in very good spirits of course bec: Paris.

there she is! *not pictured are the dozens of people I cut in front of to get this snap, sorry not sorry-one goal people!
Last day of the trip we did some window shopping and exploring around Canal Saint Martin. Loved that area so much! An encounter with an a-hole at Le Comptoir Général got me real fired up at one point but with the help of my cool as a cucumber husband, I was able to shake it off. Plus, rose always helps too….

Another random pop-in lunch, little fancier this time but similar in the carb to wine ratio

Tell me I look French :) Hat is vintage, Rayban shades, Gap top, Madewell jeans and sweater

For our last meal in Paris we kept it simple with paninis and wine by the river with macaroons as a sweet treat. I went into this trip not loving macaroons in the slightest but came back a changed woman~ give me all the glorious sugary biscuits!

So glad we splurged on this jacket for Dustin, really amplifies his sexy factor don’t ya think :)
More to share! Two more posts to be exact.
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