It’s the final post of our Chicago trip! This includes the 4th of July, as you might have guessed from the delicious donuts as well as Wicker Park. The donuts Dustin actually picked up on the 3rd (only mentioning this because below you’ll see another breakfast..) from Glazed and Infused just down the street from our Airbnb. Typically I’m really good about not eating ‘bad’ stuff like this for breakfast but when on vacation, I make a few exceptions ;) the small one was the best, just a good ole old fashioned glazed. I don’t think I shared it with D at all! MmMmmm!

Lots of spots around Chicago had these open air seat and window fronts, guess since their Summers are SO NICE it’s natural AC. Makes for great pics too!
What we really ate on the 4th was CBA, Chicago Bagel Authority, also really close to our spot.
We got the Chia Bagel which had veggie spread, swiss, avocado, lettuce, sprouts & honey mustard on sesame and was heavenly! Messy but heavenly.

Wearing my trusty Stetson, Anthro dress, Chucks, Madewell bag and Raybans from Shopbop.
After our breakfast it was off to Wrigleyville!
First stop was a shop for some Cubs gear for the game!

Dustin had been to a Cubs game in the past and had an absolute blast at the Wrigley Roof Tops and wanted to do it again. Super glad he knew about it because it was so cool!
Outside the stadium there are all these old town homes that have been converted into baseball game venues with viewing rooms, kitchens and roof top stadium seating. It’s $65-$85, depending on the “venue” and it’s all you can eat and drink. We booked the 3643 N Sheffield location which was a fantastic view of the whole field! The food was fresh made to eat-grilled chicken, hotdogs, brats, burgers-and the makings for a salad and sides. Beer was legit too, Goose Island and Brooklyn Brewing were the two we stuck with. I would 100% recommend this route if you find yourself attending a Cubs game!
Cubs won and we continued the party after for some celebratory drinks (because we obviously needed more booze..) with new friends we made during the game around Wrigleyville. After hanging with them it was off to Dustin’s college buddy’s place in downtown for hangs, dinner and fireworks. If you can believe it, we kept going and met up with an Atlanta friend who got engaged earlier in the night and celebrated with them in their hotel room. PHEW. WHAT A DAY! Needless to say, this was one of the nights we Ubered home..
We finished off the trip with a day exploring Wicker Park. First it was walking around looking at amazing homes and road candy like the above.
Then we popped into some boutiques and per usual, I had to check out the Free People..
So dreamy! I love seeing how each city does their Free People displays and what buildings they reside in. Chicago’s Wicker Park did NOT disappoint!
Such a hip part of Chicago, just look at this laundry mat!
I made three purchases this day. One was at FP (duhhh.) the other was at the above vintage shop run by the sweetest French man I’ve ever encountered! We must have chatted with him for an hour about all sorts of random things. Vegetarianism, vintage belt buckles, running-just to name a few! I nabbed a classic black leather Coach backpack which is a check of the list of things I’ve been hunting for some time now.
This is Kohl, Frenchmen’s shop dog and BFF. He’s 18 and was so sleepy after a night of NO sleep from all the fireworks. Such a sweet guy.
Third purchase I made was from a shop called Una Maes a rustic boutique for both men and women with brands we both love. I got a Brixton hat that you’ll see come Fall, likely A LOT!
After shopping around it was time for a hair of the dog (after all the day before was ALL YOU CAN DRINK!) and what caught our eyes was this beautiful bright white with pops of colors building that looked brand new to the area.
My my my was it pretty! Around each corner was beauty. The upstairs had just been painted so it wasn’t ready for the public but our server told me to sneak up there and look around. LOOK WHAT I FOUND…
Macrame lounge chairs! Aside from the decor being crazy on point (wishing now I would have snapped more pics) the food was real good too.
They offer a traditional Hawaiian menu with poke and even SPAM! Even if you’re not into the cuisine, I’d definitely recommend stopping in for a look and maybe a Hawaiian beer if nothing else!
Welp, there it is. Our Chicago trip that took me way too long to blog about. Actually have built up a library of stuff to post so expect and outfit post and restaurant review very soon!
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