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I am so excited to share with you all that I’m going to be a part of Wigwam Wellness Festival coming to the Atlanta area in April and May!  I’ll be posting to social media important updates and information as well as photographing the event. Here’s what Wigwam Wellness Fest is all about—

The experience is a trendy wellness festival series featuring “local celeb” yoga & alternative fitness instructors, wellness-related keynote speakers, healing arts, safe vendors (face/body products, organic clothing, etc) and clean eating. This experience will weave together body, mind + spirit resources and provide insight on how to make simple tweaks in everyday life that create powerful outcomes.

On Friday we met at the festival location, The Chattahoochee Nature Center, for a team powwow and tour.  We had an indoor picnic and met one another over a beautifully prepared lunch.  Here is the group of Atlanta women making Wigwam possible! Each lady has their strong suit and together we make one bad-to-the bone team!

In a nutshell– Jennifer is the event producer, Karina is the copy writer, Jessica Murphy is the talent liaison, Sarah is the graphic designer, Jenny is the chef and clean eating instructor and has the help of her assistant Jessica Hanners, Julia is the stylist (and maker of the awesome headdresses and cheese platter!) and Ashlee is the vendor and sponsor leader.
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Should have taken the photo when it wasn’t partially eaten but I’ll admit it, I got side-tracked: by cheese! Julia did such a good job putting together our powwow, even brought a record player for the tunes!
I really fell for this area mostly because of the large tree that sits in the middle of the property.  Trees have so many meanings, i.e. wisdom, eternal life, strength-just to name a few, so I think this area is perfect to be in the center of Wigwam Fest! The land just to the left will be the vendor market.
The building you see here is where outdoor yoga will be held. Facing water and a beautiful view, it’s such a pleasant spot for a peaceful exercise.
This is Jennifer. She’s been planning and executing events in Atlanta for some time. She’s passionate about bringing people together whether it’s to party, mentor or cleanse.
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There are several paved trails around the nature center leading to exhibits like rescued birds, i.e. a bald eagle and butterfly gardens.
The property has a garden area where instructors will teach courses as well as share gardening tips.
This group of ladies has me thankful to be a strong, freelancing woman in Atlanta! Thrilled to see this experience come to life!

Sign up for special Wigwam invites (such as early bird ticket purchasing)! This will allow you first dibs on picking and scheduling classes with your favorite instructors!


Months and months ago we bought a Scoutmob deal for trail riding at Serenbe Farms. For one reason or another we kept having to reschedule and finally got to ride this past weekend. We both agreed that it was a blessing in disguise that we had to move it to Saturday because the weather and trees were beautiful!  We were scheduled for the 10am ride and got there a little before and walked around the barn, petting Cricket the farm cat and chatting with the guide. Then, much to my surprise a friend and her roommate showed up for the same ride! Love how small everything gets when you live in the same place for an extended time.  So after we got helmets and were given our horses we saddled up and went on our way to blaze the trails!
Because of my skill level, or rather lack there of, I was put on Seminole because she was supposedly chill.  Initially she wasn’t happy with the bit in her mouth and was slinging her head back and forth which made sense because it doesn’t seem comfortable at all.  At first, this scared me but I quickly learned how she wanted the reigns to be and if I left them really loose she was calm.  If other horses got too close she’d nip their butts which I was afraid would affect the rider but luckily the horses seemed to be used to her. Whenever she spotted green leaves she’d stop and eat on them, which kept making us fall behind the group.  Then Dustin told me that she was taking advantage of my leisureliness and I needed to show her who’s in control. After I tugged and didn’t let her near the green stuff she behaved.  I nicknamed her Sassy Seminole because of her antics which the guides thought was fitting.  She put up with my lack of knowledge and we bonded and learned each other’s ways.  I had a really enjoyable time!
Dustin grew up riding horses and was a pro! At one point we crossed over a fallen tree and while everyone else had their horses casually step over the tree he did a little kick technique and leaped over it like he was competing in a show! He looked like a modern cowboy-it made me laugh so hard!
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Above– at some points it was difficult riding with my camera but it was so worth having it! Below– this donkey almost pulled my camera out of my hand trying to eat the strap!
Above- After our ride we took advantage of the day and went exploring around town and found this wooden trail.
Below-  We stumbled upon a shop called Greenhouse. We all wanted so many things!  We left with a practical buy, a muddler, for our cocktail bar. The owner was also so nice and let us swoon all over her 11 week old standard poodle puppy, Charlie. Look at that face!
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After shopping we went to the petting area to play with bunnies, mini horses, donkeys, goats, chickens and pigs. The bunnies didn’t want much to do with us but the mini horse was very friendly! Even let us style its mane into this hershey kiss up do!

We had made reservations at the Farmhouse for 1:30 and made way over to get our fried chicken game on. That may have been the best fried chicken I’ve had-ever. Seriously so yummy!  So as you can see and read, we had an amazing Saturday and would highly recommend a visit to Serenbe!

Snowpocalypse 2014

On Tuesday Atlanta and surrounding areas as well as Alabama was surprisingly dumped on with around 2 inches of snow and ice and caused total madness.  I was one of the lucky ones who was sent home from work around 1pm and so it only took me 30 minutes longer than normal to make it to the house whereas most of my friends weren’t so fortunate.  A coworker who left at the same time spent 9+ hours in the car to go the same distance but her route included the mess of an interstate. My poor boyfriend spent 4 hours in the car to get from campus to my loft which was a measly 3 miles-totally nuts! After I made it home I immediately hit up Kroger for supplies, ie. beer, and stayed indoors until Dustin arrived and suggested we go check out the Beltline, here’s our mini-adventure-

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We didn’t go too far from the house since it was legit FREEZING and no amount of layers was keeping this cold natured lady warm.  We did go to the North Ave. overpass and watch cars, even trucks, attempt to make it up the icy hill until a cop on an intercom told them to “do not proceed, safely do a u-turn and head back.”  We were amazed at all the stories that flooded our FB newsfeed of people spending hours and hours in the car, folks trapped at work or spending the night on the highway, kids stuck on school buses and even a woman who delivered a baby on the interstate!

 Bet you are wondering how in the *bleep* 2-ish inches of snow shut down a city, well here are two articles I found interesting and accurate, 1 & 2.  Today Atl is up and running and I’m back at work downtown at the Mart. Hope everyone in GA and Bamaland is also back to normal!


this past weekend i attended one of my favorite events in Alabama
 at the beautiful Tannihill State Park called the Gem, Mineral and Jewelry Show.
though this trip was my 3rd year i had a different mission than just perusing for personal bargains, i was on the hunt for SUPPLIES.
in my previous post i mentioned that i have projects in the works and for these projects i needed to scout out some beads, bones, fur, stones, trinkets as well as pendants.  trust me, i hit the jackpot! 
i scooped up a bolo tie for myself, it’s not pictured but is pretty darn cool. the main piece is an arrow head with a pendant in the center with foolsgold flacks inside and the tie is khaki and the caps are gold. 
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hippy wizard heart throb!
my look- Michael Kors dress, Anthropologie hat, vintage bag
his look- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belt buckle, vintage hat, magic
little fish kept inching closer and closer, think he was posing for the picture! // was super jealous of these kids and had thoughts about joiningtanni_1
this sweet mineralogist showed me a gorgeous mineral wrap that a friend gifted her, i thought her flare was super rad and asked if i could be in the rock club.
hand-carved arches
fine Southern concessions // fresh water shells 
Zuni ring i picked up from my last trip to the show a few years back. 
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here’s some of my loot! pre-shopping my aunt July gave me loads of cool stuff like the antlers, geese feathers and stones-all acquired from their land in Alabama. the fur, water buffalo teeth and some of the crystals i bought plus there is supplies not photographed. also picked up a few strands of the howlite dyed skulls which will come in handy especially for the dream catchers
…..can’t wait to get to CRAFTING!