Our Greece trip (you know, the one I still haven’t fully posted about…) was a celebration combo of Dustin’s 30th and our 1-year wedding anniversary. Since we went big in September and Halloween fell on a Monday, we kept our anniversary plans simple with hanging around Inman Park on that Sunday.
Starting at Beetlecat for oysters, but first, photos!
Surprisingly, neither of us had tried it out since it’s January opening but every time I walked or biked by I knew the inside held some unique decor details along with it’s menu offerings.
Stepping in to either entrance, the top (here) or the submarine den downstairs is like walking onto the set of Life Aquatic! Wes Anderson vibes for sure in the best and trendiest way.
With the help of our awesome server we got four different type of oysters from different states. We really liked that Beetlecat’s menu gives in depth flavor descriptions on each type just like you’d find at a brewery or winery, ie “crisp, robust, earthy.” Decided when it was too late but moving forward we’d like to get out of the habit of eating them on crackers with all the fixins (well, at least at legit spots!) and really try to pick up on natural flavors. May have to work up to just eating them straight raw but start with eating out of shell and then chasing with cracker and hot sauce..? We shall see!

Brixton hat, Anthro dress + necklace, Dolce Vita boots, vintage Coach bag
I adore that my puzzle piece tattoo made an appearance in this post because it’s something that Dustin and I got together on our first Valentine’s Day. We knew very quickly we completed each other and made one another whole, to commemorate our affection we got matching puzzle pieces down the street from my loft. Love this little reminder!
Conquered! Look how pretty they are. In the past I’ve collected my fair share of oyster shells on shores but I let these go, much to Dustin’s surprise I’m sure!
Thankful for this guy’s company over the last 381 days. They say “the first year’s the hardest” and we chose not to believe but ya know what, we get it. I would like to give Dustin and I credit because, call me bias, but even with all the hurtles (family stuff, buying a house and all the crap that comes with that, etc etc) we did dang good and are stronger together! Reread the card he gave me last night and teared up. I found a good one yall! Love you “D Dog” “Double D” “Babe” “Diddy” :P <3
Santorini p.1 is next! *or is it?! Jk jk.
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