I’ll take all of Alice + Olivia‘s 2o1o collection of nude, black, grey and glittery perfection. Take a look for yourself. . . .
the outfit on the right is great, especially those wedges. i’ve been wanting to try this style of trousers but worry that my curves may prove it to be unflattering. hopefully I’ll find a cheaper pair at H&M or something to experiment with.
in particular-those jeans, more particular-the color!
Loving the sleeves but also those two-tones slacks///\\\the set up of this show is adorable, wouldn’t mind having the props around my place, that flower, so cute.
this would be a perfect outfit for a night out, minus those sky high wedges, although they are super hot-i could not walk in those bad boys.
this 80’s-esque dress is so fun, and her rockin hair makes me want my bangs back although I have vowed to grow them out. the look will never get old.
ok, so I love anything slouchy and this RULES TO THE MAX. are those dangly jewel strands??? if so, wow.
&& lastly. . .really enjoying the peeptoe heels on the right and the jacket on the left. both grey, which is a color I’m adding more of to my wardrobe for sure this season. Black is another color I’ve been trying to incorporate more of, which is something I try to do every couple of years but don’t ever make that big of a dent in my collection. Well since I’ve already went on a mini shopping spree gaining a grey top, 2 black tops, black skirt and two pairs of black heels-I’d say that’s a start &&& a quick finish since the funds were severely depleted.
well I hope your days are going well and if you get bored and want to gaze upon beautiful fashions from this season’s fashion week going on NOW, check out WWD
(that’s where all images from this post originated)
September 16, 2009 at 12:50 amgreat pics. i love the sequin knit in the first picture and the drape sequin dress. so beautiful.
love the hair too.
beware bang envy! i always get it when i’m growing out my hair. lol!
September 16, 2009 at 8:03 amalice + olivia have really had some GREAT clothes lately! i’ve been lusting after all of them!
September 16, 2009 at 1:55 pmOH MY GOD do want!!! that dress is amazing. and I do believe that those pants would be amazing on you, you should go for it! let me know next time you decide to go to H&M and will gladly join in.
September 16, 2009 at 2:37 pmLove the nude nude beautiful with tights!
many kisses,
September 16, 2009 at 6:00 pmI love the look. The colours are great. nice, calm and sophisticated [:
September 16, 2009 at 11:40 pmAMAZING PHOTOS AND OUTFITS!
Meaghan Kelly
September 17, 2009 at 3:24 pmoh wow it really is great! i think the outfit on the right in the first photo is by far my fave! :D thanks for posting!
sarathira sukiman
September 17, 2009 at 3:47 pmi lov ethis collection! the colours are sublime! and the blonde hair bob is my new fav haircut. thanks for this, i saw one picture in a magazine but thanks for posting the whole lot!
ps: just found your blog, lovely, and am a fan! :)
September 17, 2009 at 8:24 pmFantastic shots! I love how easy all the looks are– inventive but still fun.
Check out my blog if you have a chance :) missmaterialist.blogspot.com
September 19, 2009 at 4:42 pmyeah I love Alice&Olivia. Their stuff is SO cute!
The Divinitus
September 23, 2009 at 8:56 pmSome adorable pieces… especially the off white gauzy top from the first picture.
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