Monthly Archives

February 2009

Definition of Comfy

//comfortable:providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief ((‘comfy’ is informal)): “comfortable clothes”//

the shape of this room is great, not to mention the fire place. heavenly. 

I don’t think these Free People trousers have made it to the blog yet but I wear them often, they are the comfiest article of clothing I own.  They inseam has got to be 40+ (may be exaggerating..) because they drag on the ground even on me! 
The rest of my comfy comfy outfit consists of a Tilt coat purchased around 7 years ago from Pacific Sun//when I put that in writing it makes me feel like a pack rat// but I love what I love & keep what I love. What’s the longest you’ve held on to a piece of clothing??-oh and by the way I have older//but I would have to think about that for a while..

//that chair!//

Earrings//gift from Everyday Indulgence, Blouse//Target, purse//Vintage, Shoes//BC Footwear

Love Day

A couple of days ago I mentioned that crafty ladies & myself got together to make some Valentines day cards and so I wanted to post a couple of my creations. 

I didn’t think to take photos before I sealed them up-so only the postcards got snapped.

consists of//map of NYC, felt, tissue paper, vintage Life magazine, Captain Crunch box, & LOTS of Mod Podge.

pretty sure this one left a trail of glitter all the way to Kel 
consists of//vintage children’s book, Free People mag, sticker, glitter, glue, Mod Podge & postcard.

I love this little Lego man who decided to be a rebel and tag a heart
photo credit here
I am spending a couple of days in Auburn hanging with DP & his brother. Last night we went to a delicious pizza parlor in town and then to see My Bloody Valentine 3D but it was sold out so next up was Taken-which was pretty good- just not 3D. Hope all you lovely lovely readers have a splendid Valentines Day and don’t be ashamed to gobble down all the chocolate you please!

thinkin pink

I don’t consider myself someone who enjoys the color pink but I have been surprised with how much I have worn lately. Below I have included some examples as well as pink eye candy that I can appreciate.

 yellow party//2004//pink streaks
top & jacket//vintage, earrings//borrowed

Coat//Coffee Shop, Collar Shirt//H&M, Hoodie//Volcom, Purse//Urban Outfitters, Jeans//Express via TJ Maxx, Boots//Vintage
Days ago I sported this jacket by Coffee Shop that was handed down to me by a previous roommate, not my fav color in the world-but free-can’t turn that down.


//balloons are always on the dome//
This top is one of the treasures found at the Atlanta Salvation Army. I thought it was a female shirt (being pink and all) but it’s actually for a male-I solved the length issue with tying the front into a bow.

Paired with my vintage messenger bag from high school, Gap Cords & BC Footwear kicks.

Tonight I am cooking with my neighbor, watching weeds and getting ready to hit the open road to visit my sweetie.

I Wish Wednesday

I wish I could eat AS MUCH junk food as I pleased without gaining a pound! Included but not limited to: Cheesecake, Milky Ways, French Fries, Peanut M&Ms, Ben & Jerry’s

I wish I could make it to one of these folks’ yard sales.  can  you imagine?!
(CobraSnake, Cory Kennedy, Steve Aoki…)

I wish to always be able to let loose & shake it like a robot.
(photo-2008//robot suit made by me, tights-UO, Kicks-Puma, Costume Shades, Cardigan-AE High School!)

I wish that my sweetie & I find a place half this cool in ATL

Today I wished to get a job and it happened! Not a dream job (Belk Women’s Shoes, FULL TIME) but I do need to earn some dough in order to hit the open road this summer. My new job requires a small commute of 45 minutes but it’s a very large mall and I would make way more than the Belk here in town.  I start on Tuesday so for the next couple of days I will be enjoying my last days of total freedom.


Dumpster Diver

On a Sunday afternoon bike ride to meet up with Kjo on the Quad I stumbled upon some junk that was screaming my name.  I picked through the rubbish taking home four of the coolest dumpster finds ever!

DIY kids t-shirt, vintage globe, vintage lock box, vintage National Geographic March 1988-these people had great taste!

I’m no pansy when it comes to dirt!

Detail photo of the adorable gold cruiser that I couldn’t resist becoming giddy about..

During this adventure I cycled through my favorite historic neighborhoods taking in sights & snapping some photos of my all time fav houses.
(above) Look at that trim, this family would have to be pretty cool to have picked colors so grand as those!

The stone gates a couple blocks from my house will be missed when I leave the historic area-which I love dearly.

I would love to sip coffee in the mornings around my plants on that sun porch!

treasures! treasures!

scarf-vintage, shirt-diy American Apparel, shorts-diy 7 for all Mankind (they are soo comfy if I put them on they usually get worn for multiple days), bracelet-vintage, kicks-Walmart-Coachella08

check out that seating area on the porch, adorable.
(this house is up for sale, sigh)

this drawing makes me laugh every time I take a looky!
I have different ideas for these objects such as the globe which will later be turned into 2 lamps. This is so easy, you simply split the globe at the ‘equator’ and assemble a light kit using the holes from the stand. Trim or other decoration can be added or the simple half dome will work. I have been using the National Geographic for Valentines Day cards and other Mod Podging crafts. Speaking of crafts-tonight was spent hanging with gals crafting it up.

Hope you all don’t mind the million photos of my daily adventures..
that’s all for now..

sleepy time.