Monthly Archives

November 2008

T Day.

Happy Thanksgiving from a chick and I

I Miss You.

As I mentioned in the previous post, I did in fact break my digi cam. Above is the last picture I took with it before the ‘crash’ in which I turned into a polariod through Poladroid.  I have found myself craving a camera more and more as the days pass, but maybe things will change soon.  I can always send it in to be fixed but phone bills, car insurance, ETC ETC … suckingly come first.  I guess Ill just have to call on Santa!!

Aside from a bunk camera I had a really great weekend.  Drove up to Opelika for some hang time with the sweetie i.e. sipped on wine,  ate some grub, watched Pineapple Express (hysterical!), shopped around Atlanta hitting up H&M, threw the frizzbee , played tag, my Oh my I could go on! Basically it was chilled and superb.  

Hope everyone’s weekend was everything they wanted :)

nothing to do with nothing.

Today I did a shoot with Savannah from E.B.Vintage for a couple of hours and her finds were awesome.  There were numerous dress+coat sets from an Estate Sale and other goodies that I will post when they are up.  
She surprised me with a vintage University of Alabama sweatshirt that totally rocks that I will be sporting very soon esp. considering we are #1 in the nation [for football](!!!!) Anywho, we used the following shoes in the shoot and I was really excited because I think they are some of my favorite shoes I own.

 Booties: Madden Girl
Slacks: BDG

I Wish Wednesday

For a while there I was posting “I Wish Wednesday” on a weekly bases, but then slowly got caught up in other things. But now I sit here on a sunny Wednesday afternoon and have the time to post and have just a couple wishes for today.
(Most Important)
#1. I wish I could score a job in graphic design making a decent salary with benefits and all. 
#2. Considering I just broke my camera (isn’t life just grand?!) I wish to own this:

#3.  I wish I owned more black AND gray; the following photos are of ladies sporting bits of black (or) gray in the most charming manor around.
From the French site: Garance Dore’

Love this men’s wear twist, fancy clothes and feminine purse

Oh my! Her accessories are grand right?


Ok, I know Alabama isn’t so cold as other parts of the world, but I would totally rock this over-sized scarf!!

I am not sure but I believe this is Dani Stahl from Nylon’s Factory Girl column. Anyone agree? Regardless those sequin leggings rule!

These pants are Marc Jacobs, I have a similar vintage pair that are different fabric but I equally adore.

The Days Pass

The past couple of days I’ve had the worst headache ever. It’s been following me everywhere. I have not, however, let it slow me down.  I think the achy dome is stress related due to the recent events, i.e. my department getting cut and loosing my job. It has thrown me through many loops and upset me pretty badly.  The only thing to do now is get back on my feet and start from the start.  And that’s what I have been doing, I went all over the place handing out my resume’ and letters of recommendation.  There are a few hopeful positions that wouldn’t be too shabby and I’m crossing my fingers. In the mean time I have been doing lots of arts-and-crafts and rearranging my town house in all sorts of ways.  I am not going to let the set back of loosing my job to a piss poor economy stop me from dressing cute either. I am a believer that if you want to feel good, than look good. Sunday (for an amazing pre-Thanksgiving Potluck with tons of friends) and Monday (running errands and hanging with the sweetie), here is what I wore:

Jacket: F21
Shirt: H&M
Skirt: Vintage Liz Claiborne
Boots: Baker
Purse: Vintage

Shirt: Vintage (EBV) 
Purse: Vintage
Shorts: (Cut by me) Citizen for All Humanity
Boots: Baker
Shades: Urban