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spacey weekend

and it’s back to reality on this fine November Monday, but I suppose photos will remind me of how awesome Friday && Saturday were. . . 
Friday was spent with my buddies in Birmingham at Kelsey’s house and The Alabama Theater for Sound Tribe Sector Nine’s performance. 
Alice in Wonderland && Space Cadet Jess
**wig didn’t last long here!**
and Cruella de Vil!!
and Robo DP!
we danced up on the balcony level and had a goodie time before running through a down pour to the car and getting soaked to the max. this made it real easy to curl up in blankets and giggle till we fell asleep. gotta love slumber parties!
Saturday night we hit up MJQ for their Halloween party-free Pabst till 12:30 and NO COVER!
 I did my makeup a little more fierce, since I had more time, and managed to wear the wig for the whole night! some said I looked like Lady Gaga and you know, I can dig it! 
Ashleigh channeled David Bowie from Labyrinth-good huh?!
such fun decorations! 
this weekend ruled so hard, sad it’s over, but now it’s November and with it comes Thanksgiving and that’s always Yummmmy. 

Happy Halloween!

Hello my Pretties
t-minus 2 hours till I’m back in my costume and going up to MJQ for the bash of all bashes, and to boogie once again in our spacey attire. Last night we hit up STS9 in Birmingham and ended the night with a slumber party at Kelsey’s crib. Hope everyone’s Halloween has been splendid thus far, and your evening is a spookalicious affaire!! 

L5 Halloween Parade

Last weekend friends and I went down to Little Five Points for the annual Halloween parade and boy did we get spooked! There was zombies galore, walking the streets and freakin us out!
this cracked me up so hard!
tell me he wasn’t looking dead at me?!
Highway to Hell
a tribe called pink//
this is only the tip of the parade iceberg (no pun intended but it was very cold!)  anywho, these are my favs, hope they didn’t freak you out too much (esp that first one-what a creepster!)
For the day I broke out my thick UO coat, Gap tights, Aldo boots, Marc by Marc Jacobs purse and UO umbrella
While the boys waited on seats at the Vortex, I walked around the vintage shops and Bill Hallman and fell in love with several pieces. Gotta recuperate after buying this purse before investing in any more big $$ fashion items. . . nonetheless we had a lovely day!

Hope everyone’s start to Halloween week has been going well!! 

outfits of the past

as usual behind with the outfit posts, so here are some outfits of the past////
wore this to grab a nice dinner with some gal pals
 top//BCBGMAXAZRIA, tank//Old Navy, jeans//BDG, heels//Donna Karen New York
actually went with the more casual look and wore these vintage booties
wore this ridiculously pink outfit to the East Atlanta Village Strut, it was a rather gross day, weather wise but we had a good time.
vintage top, purse & umbrellas//Express jeans//old school Vans.
another outfit to a dinner, these jeans look quite unflattering here but I wanted to debut my new black/white H&M shirt. love it.
vest//thrifted, beanie//Wetseal, purse//Michael Kors//jeans//Earl Jeans, boots//vintage
casual night, casual look
top//Urban, trousers//Free People, moccasins//Minnatonka
comfiest pants ever made!
wore this on Friday for the Daath show && keg party. bought the crazy red lip stick to give it a try and although it’s kinda a pain to keep up (ie, making sure it’s not Courtney Love style, and solid enough to look good) i love it! so fun!!
jacket//Dolce and Gabbana, blouse//Anthropologie, jeans//Wrangler, boots//boutique, lip color//Maybelline-Very Cherry

So I’m uber tired, but wanted to share. actually started this post yesterday and juuust finished it.  tomorrow it’s off to Bamaland, for a weekend of partying with the fam and college football. 
g’night Ladies!!!

take notes!

my fashion mind was blown after checking out Mr. Newton and seeing these ladies, I am loving each and every girl’s style. 
the lady on the right looks so comfy, def my kind of outfit! and I juust noticed her ring-bracelet thing, so cool!
could & would rock every single piece here. the contrasting patter of her bag and skirt have me wanting to mix and match patterns more often. did a little in my last post, i suppose. 
fabulousness to the extreme.
their boots are perfection, even covered in dust
(if anyone knows the brand of these, please let me know!)
the oversized watch caught my eye, as well as the sky highs that go great with those tights. 
these gals know a thing or two
who are they? 
and can you two please teach me how to get cat eyes so lovely!?
truly blown away by style. makes me realize that with a couple important statement/staple pieces you can build outfits around them and then mix and match with others. you could take the above five outfits and turn them into a 1,000 different looks. lot of black but you get what what I’m saying. 
so I’m STILL shopping for the perfect blazer and currently bidding on some lace up vintage boots & crossing fingers (think these are the perfect ones that have been on my list for a while-may even stud them up. . .) but yea, I’ve got the staple bag and have plenty of winter coats, just need a couple/more/items. thigh high stockings are on my list as well. . what’s a staple piece on your list of things to find???
This weekend was quite eventful starting on Friday with a friend’s band [Daath] playing at a buddies house after their return from touring in Europe. They rocked out real hard and so did we, until retiring when we started seeing cross-eyed. Saturday we went to the Little Five Points Halloween Parade with a friend from back home and grilled out after. I made my first ever batch of homemade banana pudding-Southern style-MmMMMm. so good & easy! watched football, of course, cooked for the boys and did a little cleaning. today we had a delicious hangover brunch and soaked up the lovely weather. tomorrow it’s back to the 8-5er. 
*Major Sigh*