Lets get lost, shall we?
Hope you’re not hungry or thirsty, because this post will make you hangry! Not sure the the drink equivalent of hangry, dranky? Sure that works.
You’ve been warned~

Gin drink made up by bartender, Barcelona. So good we had to have two rounds. Little did we know when your bartender is making up the drink, the price is also made up $$$

Little embarrassing but everything is Madewell besides my shoes, which are Converse. Well and the glasses. So that’s not thaaat bad! (sorry not sorry..)
It’s hard to pick a favorite day on such an amazing trip but if I have to choose for the sake of this blog post, I’d choose the day we went on a 7 hour bike ride around Barcelona. It was one for the books!
Through a company called WeBarcelona we took a full day tour on bikes seeing Barcelona from land, air and sea!
After all the Gaudi sight seeing, the following day we got up early to board a bus that would take us to three stops: Girona, Pals and Costa Brava (location names are a clickable link that will take you to a Google map to visualize + maybe even DIY if you have an upcoming trip!)
First stop: GIRONA!

After we parked our big dorky tour bus we walked across the canal to get inside the city. This is the view you’ll first see walking in *heart eyes*
I survived my first trip overseas with my in-laws! I kid, they are a breeze to hang around. Dustin, his parents, youngest sister and I had a fantastic trip exploring Madrid and Barcelona for six days! Since Rebecca Joy’s Spring Break fell a little earlier than we could make it out there, they went ahead to explore Seville for a few days then met us in Madrid late Monday night. We landed around 9:00am and went straight for the hotel, which wasn’t ready yet but we dropped off our luggage and sleepily walked what felt like 399 miles all over Madrid until we were let in to sleep a few hours and get cleaned up. That night we joined up with the rest of the gang and went to a really nice dinner near our hotel.
The following morning we had tickets to tour the Royal Palace of Madrid and then a private tour of the Prado Museum. I would recommend the palace tour (I mean it’s a palace, can’t go wrong with looking at past royalty’s belongings) but the museum I could have done without. I feel a little bad about saying that especially since it’s been said to be the best single collection of Spanish art but the European 12th century – early 20th century art just isn’t my jam. One thing that did stand out that I enjoyed was The Garden of Earthly Delights because not only is it risque but our tour guide spent about 30 min (or more, no joke) just covering this one painting and the result was pretty hilarious though one or more of the Winchesters felt pretty uncomfortable..I think if I only went in there and saw all of Hieronymus Bosch‘s art I would have been just fine. However, Dustin and I have a friend who’s an art history buff and loves the place so do some research and see if it’s up your alley.
After a full day and one night in Madrid we hopped on a high speed train to Barcelona. We bought some wine to bring with, sipped on that and checked out the sights till we all fell asleep. Then we were in Barcelona!
Spent that evening getting our bearings on our neighborhood which was just North of the Gothic Quarter and then walked down to explore that area and get dinner. The next day was all about Gaudi!
First stop was Park Guell. When we arrived it was raining so we bought some cheesy tourist umbrellas, cause ya know, we’re prepared like that and set out to learn all about Gaudi and Eusebi Güell‘s attempt at a gated community turned municipal garden. You didn’t know it was originally supposed to be a high-end neighborhood either? Yea, that was news to me too! Apparently they couldn’t get investors and the construction just sorta stopped after only two houses were built. neither of which were designed by Gaudi but he did end up buying one.