big apologies,
with the new job and fighting off a nasty bug i’ve been hella behind on comments, outfits, news and all things internet related. i hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was splendid and you all are as pumped for the upcoming holidays as i :))
speaking of …. i have some BIG NEWS to share!!! recently i was asked to join forces with “ATL’s freshest girl-based blog” and local party promoters ::::

**artwork by Ant Sims**
im sure my loyal readers are aware, i have been a SorryDarlin supporter for a while now and it was a huge honor to be invited into ‘the gang’ of awesome gals as the FASHION WRITER ((EEEEEEE!!!!)) you all will be seeing more and more of Atlanta’s fashionistas as i’ll be cross-posting for your viewing pleasures!
lets meet the faces behind the Darlin Dynasty//
meet SarahDarlin:
creator of SorryDarlin and Atlanta’s Party Princess
Sarah Mincher is behind all the party planning//hosting, bar//venue relationships, managing the blog, the SD goody bags given away at all events and even DJ’s under DJ MinchyMinch!
photo by 35MM
photo by Zoe of
photo by Ryan of
meet TaraDarlin aka DJ Taradactyl:
when it comes to music Tara definitely knows what’s up and that’s why she is behind all the music posts on as well as a resident DJ of Graveyard Tavern, MJQ and many SD parties!
photo by Ryan of
photo by Zoe of
photo by Zoe of
meet ZoeDarlin:
behind the lens is where you can find Zoe at most parties, although if you checked the dance floor first she could also be spotted in or around boogie’n down! being a grad of the Art Institute of Atlanta keeps the youngest Darlin on top of her game when it comes to capturing all the right party moments!
photo by ((her boo)) Ryan of

photo taken with her own cam, with no hands-so talented!
meet ElizabethDarlin the vegan foodie:
knowing good food comes easy for this Darlin as she does loads of traveling working for TOMS shoes and gets to try it ALL! she is vegan//vegetarian and has the capability of not only spotting great eats but also preparing it herself. she posts about Atlanta hotspots both new and established as well as tasty recipes with helpful hints.
photo by Zoe of
photo by Zoe of

photo via
here is just a tidbit of parties thrown or hosted by SD//
^^^one of my favorites yet^^^
^^^pretty poster art can be spotted’round the streets^^^
^^^next SD exclusive event^^^
for updates on added photo galleries, upcoming events, good tunes, tasty food and all things GIRLY check out:::
or follow on Twitter!