I’ve always loved the ‘milk maid’ braids look and recently attempted with my thick hair. After many failed attempts I enlisted my boyfriend to help. I found a four-braid style that mimicked the milk maid look on Pinterest and together we accomplished a woven braid “nest” that ended up turning out really neat! As my hair gets longer it should become easier to braid. I thought it was the cutest thing ever as Dustin was braiding my hair he said “you know where I learned to do this, Boy Scouts but with leather and tree bark!” Gah, I love this guy!

After we finally got the braids to hold Dustin took me to downtown Roswell to check out a few antique shops, art galleries and get in some freelance work snapping street style pics for Jezebel. We went to Ceviche and had some really great lettuce fish tacos and explored around the quaint streets before ending our adventure sipping wine on the lawn of a picnic area connected to Nine Street Kitchen.

Wearing: H&M jacket, Loft top, H2O jeans, Nine West boots, Kate Spade purse that you could say I’m mildly obsessed with-especially the tassel!

This past weekend we carpooled down to Alabama from GA with my little brother to celebrate our Dad’s 50th birthday. Yes, fifty. My parents are both young considering I’m turning 28 on the 25th but they met young, married young and started a family young. I’ve always loved having young parents, it’s like we all grew up together! Friday we got margaritas and Mexican at the local Jalapenos and took the party back to their house. Saturday we went out to Bower’s Park to play disc golf-think golf but with frisbees. We split up into two teams-me and my parents against Dustin, Brad (brother) and Emily (bro’s gf)-and played all 18 holes. What’s so neat about this course is that it’s actually in hilly woods so you feel like you’re hiking (because you ARE!) We had stopped by Which Wich for lunch and ate on a bridge that we found along the course until it literally BROKE (oddly enough it was right after I had taken a seat…) and we all freaked and finished our food on hard land.
The game was close but Dustin’s team ended up winning. Since the weather was so incredibly nice we ended up doing some more hiking behind my parents yard because it’s pretty much a mountain’s valley. We found the creek and walked around finding salamanders until it was time to eat dinner. Mom made white bean chicken chili that we all devoured. Seriously could not have asked for a better weekend with my family!