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Much like everyone, everywhere, I’m entering the New Year with a set of intentions. I say intentions because we’re all guilty of aiming high and often times falling short of accomplishing everything we set out to conquer. I don’t want to beat myself up if I fail to check off everything on this list but rather praise the intentions I do complete.  So here goes:

I’ll start with a no brainer – be a good wife. It’s been 67 days and I’d like to think I’ve done a fair job so far. They say, the first year is the toughest. But I say it’s what you make it. We did the pre-marriage counseling, which helped prepare us big time. We loved it.  We also lived together for a bit, which we think helped prepare us as well.  There’s been a few tightly wound moments here and there (which didn’t shock us being that it was the holiday season) but so far, so good!

Read more.  These days I’m all about fast scrolling through photos and reading quick blurbs. I want to get lost in a novel again.  I mentioned this to a friend who loaned me The Devil in the White City, a book about the Chicago Fair, murder and supposedly magic (haven’t gotten to this part yet).  She swears I’ll like it and so far I do.

Drink less.  Approaching thirty I’ve come to terms with needing to reel in the alcohol a bit. I’ve chilled out with partying (bars, clubs, 3am diner runs) but having wine with dinner, after dinner, on the weekends…gotta keep it in check.

Save for a house. This one doesn’t really have to do with a New Year since we started months ago but it will affect this year.  We are hoping to buy in May 2017!

Declutter. I’ve been doing this for the last year or so but we could still stand to keep donating to Goodwill. When wedding gifts started rolling in I started hauling stuff off but we still feel like every single nook and cranny here has something in it. I’d like to get minimal is more around the house.

Continue eating healthy. Day to day we both eat pretty dang healthy (gotta balance out that drinking, lol)  We use Blue Apron for 3 nights a week and shop organic at our local Kroger.  But we also cheat some.  Our cheating isn’t Burger King or Taco Hell it’s usually fries from somewhere local but … still. We could tighten up a bit.

What, you thought I wasn’t going to mention anything health/fitness? Come on it’s a New Year post, ha!

I think all this is reasonable and I know someone that would agree with the first one ;)

Hope everyone’s 2016 is off to a great start!

-Above photo is of my newest tattoo while we were in Colorado (can you tell from the goosebumps? High was 21 that week!) over the break. Also sporting a new Penfield jacket from Shopbop. Full length photo of jacket coming soon!