I’m happy to say that mine and Dustin’s curse of rainy outdoor music has been broken! This years Music Midtown was absolutely gorgeous-no ponchos or rain boots-just warm pre-Fall sun! We were especially excited since we took advantage of living on the Beltline and rode our bikes both days using the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition’s bike valet service, so easy and convenient! Music Midtown made a few changes this year with stage setups and policies but my favorite change, or rather upgrade was the expanded artist and vendor market area. There was a short time frame we didn’t care to see the bands playing so we grabbed a beer and walked around looking at the jewelry, handmade guitars, folk art, blown glass, and more-it was a nice break.

Our beer of choice and even better that it’s local! There wasn’t a ton of choices so if it’s between a light, watered down beer or a flavorful high gravity for a little more, you’ll find us always going to the more bang for your buck option.

The back of this top was perfectly breezy for a music fest! Leave it to Free People to create the best attire for such occasions.
Outfit details: Free People top and jean, Birkenstock sandals, vintage bag and Oakley shades

This years crowd flags and markers were really fun, couldn’t help but snap this hip Mario! On day two we stood by someone’s flag and used it to our benefit to help friends find us. Maybe next year we’ll actually bring something fun and creative though it seems like a chore to keep up with anything other than yourself or group and belongings!

Friday’s lineup for us included Bear Hands, Run DMC, Lorde and Jack White. All very different but the one artist that stole the show was Lorde! She had killer dance moves, changed into three different outfits and had huge bubbles raining from above the stage! Whoever said she was boring live was proved wrong, she really impressed this lady!

Day Two’s Outfit which I coined the “hipster farmer look” was comfy and breathable during the peak of the heat.
Details: Free People hat, Madewell shirt, Target overalls, Clarks desert boot, vintage bag and Oakley sunglasses

Saturday’s lineup for us included Sleeper Agent, Third Eye Blind, Twenty One Pilots, Fitz and the Tantrums, Bastille and Eminem. The artist that was my favorite, and I wasn’t surprised, was Fitz! We didn’t attempt to get close to really anyone else but knew there show would be fun up close so we got there early and camped out which proved to be way worth it! Frontman, Michael and his co-vocalist Noelle have really great energy and boogied down!

Loved how silly some people got for the festivities, these bananas are dedicated!

This bearded man of mine loves concerts about as much as I do, if not MORE! Couldn’t ask for a better festival companion! 
Next up we are going to Outkast, Kid Cudi and Childish Gambino this weekend at Centennial Olympic Park. Bought these tickets so long ago and can’t wait to see Outkast perform in their hometown-should be epic!