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July 2009

entertain me

As promised a couple posts ago, I wanted to share my favorite pics from the shows I’ve been to lately. but first I need to announce something really awesome. . 
/////I GOT A JOB!!!//////
starting Monday I will be working at FASTSIGNS downtown as a customer service associate helping peeps choose the materials, size, color, etc. . of their project. The hours are 8-5 and it’s only minutes down the road, literally, less than a mile!! Don’t have to dress up either, we wear jeans, tennies, and a polo that is provided-which means I can dedicate all my clothes $$$ to fun gear! Way stoked and wanted to share since I’ve bitched constantly about the job hunt, which is O.V.E.R. 
So now that that’s done, let’s get on with the photos////
Dubconscious via DubocracyDSCN6521
my little bro’s fireworks were quite the show!!
@@ The Earl’s 10th Anniversary show w/The Black Lips
Urban Renewal dress, Michael Kors purse, Kenzie shoes. 
all tunes came from this crazy new equipment during Alex Botwin’s (Pnuma Trio) performance.DSCN6520
the wheel in the sky keeps on burnin’!
dub stepage
Benga Benga
The Black Lips///
petal away///isn’t this the neatest TAG ever? 
Shrimp and salmon are being prepared for grillage since we ran our weekly errands (ie. groceries, pet shop. .etc. .) and picked up some goodies including my favorite summer time brew-Abita Strawberry. mMMmmM. Last night went to the StarBar with Ashliegh so probably going to take tonight eazy–Hope you ladies are having a swell Friday!!

alone time

after one crazy ass week I am chilling out, alone, and really enjoying the peace.  in order to achieve such alone time I had to lock up the attention deprived kitten that was screaming as soon as I walked in the door from the mini vaca on lake with family. . he’s been preoccupied for some time now. . his behavior and my attitude have shown that I am certainly NOT ready for a mini me that needs loads of attention-can barely handle Tater. . Before I come off as Debbie Downer let me give a recap as to the issues that have caused the stressed mind and need for hermit crab time. . . 
✹lease in Ttown ended, therefore brother and pops loaded rest of junk in rented trailer and were NOT happy about it. .giving an ear full of ‘lack of responsibility, blah blah’
✹power-steering pump failed in my car, thank goodness for small recall and the fix being completely free including rental. . still had to get car towed and drive out of town to pick up the temp. . 
✹found out 3/4 of my plants died on back porch. thought it would rain. didn’t. 
✹back rack on vintage Giant was stolen, why-I have NO IDEA?
✹the flea/ring worm battle with animals continues. . .
✹brother’s car (being borrowed by other bro) was broken into in broad daylight (around 11 am), ipod shuffle stolen, car trashed. boyfriend’s car broken into, entire sound system GONE.
✹unloaded crap from Ttown, realized it’s not all going to fit in loft. . 
✹entertained guests. . .
✹I remain jobless. no leads.
✹still unpacking. . . .

went down to the 5 spot in Little Five to check on a bar-tending job lead and this is what I sported. . .
h&m top, vintage purse & skirt (gift from KJO via Austin, TX, dolce vita sandals. . 
my sweet flower lady gave me this beauty on the free and said it will last for one year! we’ll see.
a vintage shelf I finally hung after a year of owning and decorated it with some of my favorite trinkets. since this photo I have already changed the positions and added some goodies. . 
editorial from Nylon magazine, loved her big mustard bowl and cute hat. .
so aside from being a wee bit overwhelmed last week it was very enjoyable too, ate some really great meals-one of my favorites was via Six Feet Under-shrimp && grits bowl-mmM. We also went to a Braves game where they totally kicked butt against Phili, took brother and gf to our favorite spots and consumed many yummy drinks.  On Thursday I went with my old college roomie to the Black Lips show at The Earl and had the time of my life! there were three bands, moshing, a couple crowd surfers (small crowd, kinda silly. .) and a legit fight broke out-they pretty much tackled Ashliegh and I-like I said time of my life! I have photos from all these events including yesterday’s celebration and will get to those soooooon. 
looking forward to the new week ahead, good night Ladies!