Monthly Archives

January 2009

Dances with Wolves

Outfit from Friday Night:
Dress/Beau & Eros, Boots/Steve Madden, Purse/Vintage, Feather Earrings/Local 9&10, Necklace/AE from high school

On a chilled out Saturday I half watched Dances with Wolves, one of my favorite childhood movies, while working on InDesign.  It is an epic film no doubt, but unless you have around 3.5 some odd hours to dedicate I would save it for a rainy day. I wore the above outfit on Friday night and I guess it let out the Sioux in me into the following day. My only wish is that these awesome moccasin boots were comfortable, and I know you’re thinking “What they are moccs!” Well that’s what you would think but apparently Steve Madden needs to go to a Native American festival & get the low down on making comfy moccs. I bought them at the S.M. on M Street in D.C. for a real good price so I guess I can’t complain but I would like to wear them further than my neighbors party.  

Hopefully today brings good things for all.

Friday Afternoon in Photos

makes beautiful sounds & I can say, “a relative of mine help build it, I’m kind of famous”

The Quad.
cruised around on bikes.

Kjo & I in front of president’s mansion on UofA campus.

owl, “I’m stuffed”

University’s museum, Smith Hall, where i used to have Geology classes.

u of a.
checking out really pretty illustrations of fish.


Me-Dress/Urban, Jeans/Wrangler, Kicks/Urban, Shades/Vintage
Kjo: Shirt/Vintage, Jeans/Charlotte Russe, Shoes/Charlotte Russe, Shades/F21

Holy Crap OH LA!

hehe, sorry. Holy Crap was the first thing that came to mind when I spotted these:

Composition Notebook Leggings

These leggings rule. I would totally wear them. I think MIA should or already does have a pair of her own.  They come in 10 colors and are found on American Apparel’s Ebay store, California Select, which I just found out about. yippy!! 

((am I late to this news?? this would be embarrassing)) 

well, What do you think??
do you agree with my holy Crap or you think they are just too different/wacky?

no pressure..

So I guess I’m pretty bad at making you -blog readers- aware of auctions in a timely manner (sorry about that, just don’t want to panhandle).  Below are items that I am letting go of via Ebay & there’s only about 3 days left so check’em out.
((click links below pictures))

Sleep well Lovelies !!!


Hat/Vintage- 654 Mile Yard Sale!, BoyFriend’s Sweater/Vintage Dior, Jeans/Levis, Boots/Vintage

So this is my version of a menswear inspired outfit, on a daily basis.  It’s super casual, seeing as how I was hanging around the house & warm because that day was freezing (literally).  Later I went out for sushi and had a scrumptious desert afterwards at the house with my sweetie.


Today has been rather crazy, driving an hour & 15 mins. (one way) to an interview in Birmingham at the Urban Outfitters. At this point I have to take whatever is offered and since I have worked for UO & Anthro in previous years I have a good chance at re-hire. Afterwards coming home, riding bike to meet up with ladies for a pleasant Tai meal, riding bikes around quad, talking to media about great great aunt turning 94 (it was this huge production at Denny Chimes, found out last min, oh and had no idea about the media, thanks mom!) going to museum, and riding around some more via bike.  The temp reached 75 today!! Gotta love Alabama, but tomorrow it’s going to rain and be back to cold, which is to be expected after the glorious day of earthbound sun.  Here soon I’m going to eat with a bunch of relatives in celebration of the G.G.Aunt turning ancient (hehe) and then it’s party time.  My townhome-connected-neighbor is having a party so I don’t have to go far to have a good time tonight! 

Cheers & Happy Freakin Friday!