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October 2008

I Can See Through You.

what the hell is this you ask?
a mask that appears to the outside world that you cannot see anything but really you can!! rather odd,
Emma and I picked a couple up at a yard sale last week for about 15 cents a piece.
Not sure yet what I’m going to use them for, but I just know they’ll come in handy.

Vneck Cardi: Vintage LeTigre
Necklace: Vintage Unicorn Pendant

I Wish Wednesday

I wish to indulge in an amazing book soon.
Photo: FFFFound

I wish this weekends camping trip is filled with wildlife and whiskey. Good friends are naturally included.
photo: We Heart It

I wish that this hard working man gets everything he deserves and receives the assistantship of his dreams.

I wish I still had that college life freedom of picking up and leaving whenever I pleased.
photo: We Heart It

I wish I could walk down a Marc Jacobs runway. Modeling or not, whatev. But preferably modeling.

..Pumpkin Eater..

Mr. Boogie Woogie greets everyone who walks
threw the door with a friendly smile.

Furbie the Spider is a kind fellow as well, just hangs around and
helps Mr. Boogie Woogie with the greeting.
Today I’m wearing a dark pumpkin colored dress, that was purchased about a year ago and just now getting around to wearing it…Paired with Gap tights and vintage boots I bought yesterday at the thrift store (100% leather and only $6.88!!!).

This is an Autumn display that I created outside the town house with an old chair found near a dumpster
(ages ago), mini bail of hay, squash, and dried corn all of which were
picked up on my Beach Adventure with Emma.

The pumpkin I carved with Emma, easier said than d.o.n.e.!!

Today’s work day has been filled with projects that are passing the time ever so nicely.
Hope all is well with all.

Colors of Blue, Colors of Green

..Museum Friday..
Bowler: UO
ButtonDown: Dusty’s shirt as a boy
Purse: Vintage
Cords: Gap
Moccasins: Minnatonka

all my favorite colors, blended so nicely, makes me smile.

This painting was made esp for Dusty and I, we are the only ones that know.

This coat is a piece from the native African section, and how amazing would M.I.A. be sporting this one (!?!)

Home is where I want to be, with my DP.

would go perfectly in my sleeping quarters.

a 10th grader created this. crazyness.

I recommend the Birmingham Museum of Art to anyone.
good times.


(Witchy Woman)

Dress: Wetseal
Tights: Gap
Purse: Vintage
Boots: Vintage
Necklace: Handmade Deer Antler (in good’ole Alabama), Gift from Emma

Ryan Adams & the Cardinals 
(this past Thursday)
Can’t wait for Halloween, 
crazy cat lady??